Thursday, June 02, 2005

Summer Break is Here!

As of about 5 minutes ago when I e-mailed my last paper (classroom management plan) to my prof, I'm on summer break! I know, I'm excited too! What's cool and exciting and scarry all at once is that the very next thing in my teacher prep program is full time student teaching. That's right, as far as the U's concerned, I have enough knowledge to actually teach like a real teacher for at least 6 weeks this fall! It's cool, but I'm nervous too, especially since I'll have the whole summer to un-learn whatever I've learned.

And to kick off my summer experience, I leave on Monday for LA, CA. I'll be visiting Cari and some other family, as well as being in the wedding of my friend Dan McCurley from HS. Should be a good time (especially the being away part).

I'm currently still up in the air for a summer job. I've got the M's, but I'm not getting the hours I'd like and I need something else since I won't be able to work during student teaching next fall.

Tomorrow I plan to go out on a boat in Puget Sound with some friends from school. One gal teaches a marine science class to school kids on Fridays and several of us have been invited to go along. I'm really exited, it should be great fun!

Ok, that's all I have for now. Oh, except that my computer's on the fritz again. I'm actually on my sister's computer right now. Ben think mine has a worm. You'd think it'd be all protected w/ McAfee and all, but no. Oh well, at least I have patient and helpful friends!



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