Friday, October 21, 2005

7 Van hours and a Bite of Science

Ok, so I haven't updated in about 2 weeks...sorry, that's how it goes. Last weekend I spent about 7 hours making a 2.5 hour trip from Bellevue to Gig Harbor for a JH Retreat, JumpStart. W/o broing you w/ the details there was a suicide attempt and then a 3 car (2 car + 1 bus) collision that closed the Tacoma Narrows bridge for a really long time. We did finally get to camp about 12:20am, and then Saturday was acutally really good (Friday was good too, lots of good conversation in the vans).

This week has gone alright as far as teaching goes. I've had my share of less than optimal events, but that's normal and I've come to expect that. I really feel like I'm into the swing of it all, and I think the students are too. My 7th period, which has the hardest time being quiet and focusing, is actually doing much better than they were; not really any worse than any other class (for now at least!)

I gave a test today on the Energy Units, so this weekend consists of grading, grading, grading. My goal is to have them done by Monday, but we'll see. I also have planing to do for the next unit on Waves. I'm really excited about it, but it's proving to be a difficult unit to plan. I had stuff laid out today, and then decided to rearange it all so I have to re-think how I'm doing everything. Oh well, that's how it goes.

Tomorrow I get to hang out w/ my super cool teacher friends, their significant others, and one of my fellow staffers from church. Should be a great time to relax and actually pretend like I have a social life. : )

Last thing to let you all know about: Ben and I have started (I should say Ben started it and I just get to contribute to) a blog devoted to science. I know, how cool is that?! We discovered that we send eachother links releated to science stuff often enough that we should just post it online. The site is called SciBite, short for Science Bite - small "bites" of science info (yes, it's a play on words, deal w/ it). Should have some cool stuff, so check it out! I've also added a link to it over there ----->



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