Friday, August 12, 2005

HP Update #8

Ok, I know my last post was just a few hours ago, but I kept reading, and I got to a really good part and just couldn't stop! What follows will be more stream of consciouness and not really confined to specific chapters, so just so you know it extends thru chapter 24.

Wow, so I'm so happy to finially be getting some answers! Now we know what happened to Dumbledore's hand, where he's been going, and what the point of their lessons has been so far. I also found in interresting how Harry got the memory from Slughorn. Though, I thought he could use the room of requirement to have whatever he required to extract the memory. But hey, his way works too. : )

Horcruxes are freaky! Splitting your soul?! I did a fairly good job of guesses what they were, once I saw the first example of Riddle's Diary. Cool side note, I was just rereading some FAQs on JKR's site and one mentioned the connection to something Harry learned in Chamber of Secrets, and now this must be it (or at least part of it). Cool to make that connection. I did think, however, that the last horcrux could have been Harry himself, w/ his scar and all, explaining his connection to Voldemort, though Dumbledore's explanation seems to make that not the case and it's the snake instead (I liked my idea better because that would really fulfull the prophecy where Harry would have to kill himself to kill Voldemort, "one cannot live while the other survives", oh well, JK knows best. : P ).

I suppose I'm happy that the love triangles are being resolved, though that seems a less important side story (as far as I'm concerned, anyway), but the whole thing w/ the HBP is really starting to get interresting! I guess it was only a matter of time before something went wrong w/ the book. As much as I wanted it to be just cool extra writings, I suppose I knew it must have some danger to it. Though I'm frustrated that we still don't know who it is! I seem to remember someone who read the book right away telling me that you don't have to wait too long into the book before you find out who the HBP is. Either they are really good guessers, or they gave me bad info. I now have a feeling it will be the unraveling of the climax of the book before we find out (though, w/ the numbe of pages I have left, I have a feeling the climax is coming very soon).

As bad as Malfoy is, I actually felt bad for him in the bathroom seene. And then when he got bloody everywhere, that was scarry. Harry freaked, and I can't blame him. It almost seemed like a much bloodier version of the curse Bellatrix Lestrange used in Order of the Phoenix on Hermione in the Department of Mysteries.

But enough of my comments, I've got to get some sleep so I can get up and read more Potter!

PS I have not been up this late just reading HP. I acutally stayed up to see the Perseid meteor shower. Not as good a veiw as I would have liked, but I'm gonna check it out again tomorrow night, which is also supposed to be good viewing.




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