Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lesson Planner's Block

You've heard of writer's block? Well, I'm convinced there's an equivilant problem that goes along with lesson planning. As a matter of fact, I'm there right now. I'm trying to plan the intro to my next unit (Energy), but because of the way the schedule falls, I really need it to be something active and involved for the students. However, the ideal intro involves them writing in their journal and then moving to discussion...oh, and I only have about 10 minutes for this as well. Not reallly enough time to get active and into something. So I'm stuck at the moment.

And as a linear, sequential thinker, I can't really move on to the next part of the lesson until I see how much and what topics will be covered in this intro section. So instead of sitting staring at the computer screen not getting anywhere, I decided to write a short blog entry, since I'm behind w/ it anyway.

Not much else to report, I don't think. In theory I'll be teaching a week from today. That's cool and scarry at the same time. I know that once I start, I'll have even less time and energy than I don't have now, and I'm really going to start to get behind. Thankfully I'm ahead for now, so that gives me a bit of wiggle room. We'll see if I can get this next unit pounded out by Friday of this week...



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