Sunday, October 30, 2005

Busy-ness, thy name is Ryan

Yes, I am still crazy busy. I graded tests all last weekend, have had piles of late work all week, which I finished grading today, and then I was able to get the lesson plans done for my pedagogy assessment this Thursday, which is great as well. Now all I have to do is the flyer/form for the Veteren's Day stuff, and I'll be set (well, until tomorrow, that is).

Then this week, though I hopefully don't have alot of grading to do, I am getting ready for Camp Casey. This is a good thing, and also a stressful thing. I'm trying to coordinate getting up there early and trying to take a few students, but space is at a premium, so I'm back to balancing ministry w/ function/purpose. I often side w/the function/purpose side, but I really want to include the people side. I've got to trust God w/ it, and need to understand that no matter what happens, it won't be the end of the world.

There's other stuff I'm thinking thru right now too, but I don't actually have that much time to really THINK about it, and some of the people I need to talk to about certian aspects are just as busy as I am, so that ends up not happening. Oh well, that's life, right?

Oh BTW: I'm starting to think about a job once student teaching is done. I'll need one for December thru March, until I can start substitute teaching. If anyone has any ideas (that aren't retail), please send them my way. I have a few in my head, but have to wait to hear on some of them. I can always go back to Eddie Bauer, but I REALLY don't want to.



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