Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Geek Power!

I saw this today and just had to link to it for you all. Keep in mind that the whole thing isn't necessarily true for me, however #1 is right on the money. : ) There are some cool links to some cool sites as well at the bottom of it.

And while on the topic, in case any of you are interested, I have sucumed to the techy trend and have created a Wish List at All you have to do is type in my e-mail address ( ; yes, it's my old e-mail) and you'll get a list of some things I think would be cool to own. Every year people complain that I'm hard to buy for, so now I've tried to make it easier.

Ummm, let's see, anything else to report? No news yet on a potential job. I've got one e-mail out I'm wainting on a response for, a new lead today, and word that I indeed cannot substitute in the public schools next quarter. Not much else to report, things are pretty boring. If, however, someone were to call and want to hang or something, maybe I'd have more to write. : )


Saturday, November 26, 2005

About time

I suppose its time for another posting. In theory (actually, a hypothesis, but no one really notices or cares, right?) I should have lots more time now that I'm not student teaching so I should be able to update much more frequently. As I'm sure you've noticed by now, that's not been the case.

That's partly because there's not much to report. I'm still at Skyview thru the 7th, though that doesn't really leave me that much time, about a week and 3 days.

Thanksgiving was good. Amy was home w/ her room mate and boyfriend, so that was nice. Though I have to admit, the best part of Thanksgiving is when it's over and you can start Christmas! : ) Yesterday found me helping a friend in HS w/ some chemistry homework (it was quantum mechanics and light, so I enjoyed it). Then in the evening I went over to Ingrid & Chad's and hung w/ old KP friends from HS. That was a good time, though I stayed up later than I have in a while, so I was pretty tired. (I know, I'm getting old)

Didn't do much today, mostly chilled at home. It's been nice not having anything to do this weekend. I did get outside and put up one string of Christmas lights on the house. In case you're wondering, when it's 38 degrees F the fingers get cold really fast. After that I met Ben for a nice 2 for one dinner at Azteca, and then we came here and hung and watched Shrek 2.

Tomorrow's church, then maybe I'll finally vacuum my room (been putting that off all week), the obligitory Sunday Afternoon Nap, and then it's on to the new week. Sorry there's nothing more exciting to report, but I've really had a great break this week. Just doesn't sound all that exciting on "paper."


Friday, November 18, 2005

Mr. Palmer gets infractions!

I need to give you some background: as part of classroom management, I have a 3 step discipline system. First students get a warning, second they go out into the hall, and third they are sent to the office. Yesterday 7th period was so chatty/talkative that I gave the entire class a warning (this allowed me to send any of them to the hall w/o giving a warning first).

So this, along w/ the fact that I gave a test (instead of a party) on my last day of teaching, piqued the interrest of a rather onry teacher, one of the 8th grade math teachers. So what he did was make a "teacher" infraction form (the school-wide discipline form) which he gave to students in my 7th period class. So 7th period comes in and like 6 or 7 students hand me these infractions.

My favoite offence was "inturrupts students while they are talking". For this one I told the class that I had a solution: I would duct tape all their mouths shut, then I wouldn't be inturrupting them. : ) Of course 7th period is an adventerous bunch, so 3 or 4 of the students immediatly piped up saying "me first!" Oh, I'm going to miss teaching...


Friday, November 11, 2005

All good things

Its hard to believe that I only have one week left of my student teaching. By the end of the day Friday I will have taught for 8 weeks and 2 days. While it'll be nice to have some time to breath agian, and there are parts I won't miss (trying to settle 7th period), overall I'm really going to miss teaching.

It hasn't been easy, and it's been alot of work (I was at school until 7pm last night), but I've really enjoyed it. It's what I want to do, and I don't want to stop; even more than that, I REALLY don't want to go back to the U in January. In fact, I'm dreading the return. It's only one day a week, but it's back at the U hearing all the unhelpful garbage I've been so glad to be away from. The only redeeming part of being at the U is that all the classes are Credit/No credit, which means I will do the least possible amount of work. : )

For those of you who I have done a lousy job of keeping up w/ during my student teaching, I should soon have more time for socializing. I will also, by the way, be looking for work now. I can always go back to Eddie Bauer, but I'm gonna take something else if I can find it (preferably non-retail). Let me know if you have any leads/ideas.

That's it for now, I'm gonna enjoy my 3 day weekend!