Friday, November 18, 2005

Mr. Palmer gets infractions!

I need to give you some background: as part of classroom management, I have a 3 step discipline system. First students get a warning, second they go out into the hall, and third they are sent to the office. Yesterday 7th period was so chatty/talkative that I gave the entire class a warning (this allowed me to send any of them to the hall w/o giving a warning first).

So this, along w/ the fact that I gave a test (instead of a party) on my last day of teaching, piqued the interrest of a rather onry teacher, one of the 8th grade math teachers. So what he did was make a "teacher" infraction form (the school-wide discipline form) which he gave to students in my 7th period class. So 7th period comes in and like 6 or 7 students hand me these infractions.

My favoite offence was "inturrupts students while they are talking". For this one I told the class that I had a solution: I would duct tape all their mouths shut, then I wouldn't be inturrupting them. : ) Of course 7th period is an adventerous bunch, so 3 or 4 of the students immediatly piped up saying "me first!" Oh, I'm going to miss teaching...



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