Tuesday, January 01, 2008


This will probably be my last post for a while as school starts up again tomorrow. 2007 ended quite well up at WinterFlash camp. It was busy and I've had 2 late nights in a row now, so I'm pretty tired, but it was good. New challenges and perspectives on High School ministry came for me, as well as some things to chew on.

In many ways it doesn't seem like we're into a new year yet. I'm sure it'll come, but we get to enjoy that period of time where we still write 07 on papers, checks, etc for a while as we adjust. : )

I can only hope that 2008 brings less time spent and work and more development of a "life" whatever that is. I've never been one to set new year's resolutions, but I do have hopes for the year. Of them, I think the biggest one is reducing the number of hours I work. January probably won't bring this, but I'm really hopefully that by February things will be into all curriculum I've taught before: 8th grade curriculum I will have done twice already, and 9th grade Chemistry I will also have done twice, as well as feeling really good about the unit.

God has been faithful in so many ways this past year. The most obvious that comes to mind is with Ben and his battle with cancer. Its been crazy and unexpected, but God has proved so faithful. He has answered innumerable prayers, both answered and unanswered. The ordeal isn't complete yet, but I continue to trust that God is soverign.

At work, though I'm still working more than I want to, I'm working less than less year and am feeling better about how things are going in the classroom. I'm being stretched professionally and am branching out into new areas beyond the classroom teaching.

In ministry, I've gone from a break to joining High School staff. Its been great to be doing ministry again. Its different in high school, both with studnets at different stages of life as well as a new youth leader and learning new processes, etc. But I've been blessed with new friends though the process, most notably Phil and Ligaya Peterson.

I don't know what's coming this next year and I can't say that I'm "excited" for what's coming, but I do know that no matter what comes, God is with me and He is soverign over all.

Happy New Year.



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