Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer's Here!

Believe it or not, I've made it thru another school year. For some reason (I'm blaming the weather), it doesn't really feel like the school year is over. Today feels more like a Saturday.

Recently many people have asked me "What do you do with your summers off?" I have trouble answering that question, mostly because I don't feel like I've had a 'typical' summer break yet. The first one, two years ago, I was trying to buy my condo (which was an ordeal) plus a wedding in Cali, I believe. Last year I spent a large amount of my summer w/ Ben, often in the hospital downtown. So I really can't answer that question. What I can do, however, is give you a general idea what my plans are for this summer.

For the rest of June things are going to be fairly low key. I don't have much planned, though that will probably change now that I have time to have a life again. Most of my June plans, however, will probably be just getting together and hanging w/ friends.

July starts the craziness of my summer. The last 2 weeks I'll be in Spokane for a workshop on Biotechnology for teachers. I think it's going to be good, but I'm not sure I'm excited about being away from home by my self for 2 solid weeks. Ah well, I'll get graduate credits for it, so that's at least something.

Right after that (the very next day) is junior high Summer Safari. "But wait!" I can hear you say to me. "You're doing high school staff, not junior high. Why would yo be going to Safari?" Simple. We're sending a group of our HS leaders as sort of junior staff to Safari and I may need to go help lead the team. Donny's son Hudson will be getting a kidney transplant right around that time, so he won't be able to lead, and Phil is taking charge of the junior high group until we can hire a new JH pastor, so he's running the camp itself and not available for the HS students. I haven't talked details w/ Donny yet, so I don't know what all I'll be doing, but it looks like I'll be there, so I've blocked off that time.

This takes us up to August 7th. On August 10th I'll be leaving for the HS trip to JH Ranch in northern California. That's a week long, and then the next week (the week of the 17th) I start training classes at the district; back to work. I have trainings Tuesday thru Friday and then must report back to school for the pre-year meetings & setup on the following Monday, school starts the next week on Tuesday. Thus ends my summer.

With the 2nd part of my summer so insanely busy, I'm going to try and relax during this first part. I'm also going to try to get some things done around the condo during the rest of June as well. We'll see how much I get done. For now I'm just enjoying not having to wake up early. : )



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