Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lazy Day

I had one of the most lazy days in memory yesterday, and boy did I need it. Just for a bit of perspective, last weekend I worked both Saturday and Sunday (not just worked, but actually went into school to work). So in many ways I feel like I didn't get a real weekend last weekend.

So yesterday I didn't get up until nearly 11am, which was great. And then I proceeded to not do anything all day long. I didn't get dressed at all (though I did shower), didn't leave the house, and actually barely left the couch. Instead, I finished watching Season 3 of LOST (the best show ever). Originally the plan was to just watch a few episodes, but then I kept thinking about how tired I've been and how much work I've done recently (side note: I worked the longest day ever this past week and followed that with an extra-early morning).

Today my plan is to get some stuff done around the house that I've been needed to do, and then tomorrow (MLK Day, so no school) I'll tackle all the hours of grading I brougt home with me (probably take 8+ hours). Not really looking forward to that, but I suppose it's good that I at least have the day to do it.

All right, enough stalling, off to get the condo cleaned!



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