Friday, July 11, 2008

Movie Stuff

When it comes to movies, sometimes I never learn. A while ago I watched Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 on netflix. This was mostly because I'd heard alot about them and wanted to know myself what they were like/about. The first one was bad. I don't mean it was done poorly, I mean it was gross, icky, and inappropriate. Smart person that I am, though, I watched volume 2. Granted, it wasn't as bad, and cinematically, it was actually very interesting, still, based on volume 1, I shouldn't have watched it.

Well tonight, I watched another Quentin Tarantino movie, Pulp Fiction. It was even worse. Somehow I couldn't bring myself to turn it off, but it was horrible. There was swearing like crazy, I mean ALL THE TIME! It's ridiculous. Then there's the themes and such, which were reprehensible. But even beyond that, the icing on the cake, they bring God into the mix. Samuel L. Jackson's character quotes a passage from Ezekiel 25. Only problem is, ITS NOT A REAL PASSAGE THAT HE QUOTES! By the end of the movie, it becomes an important part of the story, yet ITS COMPLETELY MADE UP! It really torques me off that the use God's Word as a device in a story...and its not even accurate! Then they give the character a "religious" experience, and he decides to change his ways, which really means the only thing he's going to change is that now he's not going to kill people for a living. Everything else stays the same. But it makes him out to be some crazy person. It just really makes me mad when God is used like that and twisted and distorted from reality.

I suppose there is one "good" thing from the movie, however. Its yet another example of Romans 2:15 - when Jackson's character "becomes religious" he gets mad at another character for "blaspheming" which is swearing using God's name. While the movie makes this out to be ridiculous, it evidences that, like it or not, we know that's its wrong when we do it. We may justify it, but deep inside, they know its wrong.

Well, let this be a lesson to me: stick to sure-fire good movies like Wall-e. Which, by the way, if you haven't seen, you really should go see. I think its arguably the best Pixar film yet. And the short, Presto, is great too.



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