Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm an Idiot

So I was good and actually scheduled out when I have to get certain things done like I said I needed to and, for the most part, today has been a very productive day. I've gotten all but one thing on today's task list done, plus a few other things that aren't on my list.

The problem, however, is that one of the things on my list sorta' backfired. I was supposed to call my sattelite company (which I did), with the intention to cancel my TV service or get them to give me what I want for free. I really don't use my satelite at all since I got my HDTV because most of the shows I watch are network shows and available in HD. Its kinda' lame to watch SD shows on my HDTV, so I pretty much don't. So I figured I could drop the service and still be fine, along w/ saving myself some money.

Well, I get on the phone w/ the guy, tell him what I'm thinking and what I want (HD & DVR service) and give him the task of convincing me why I should stay w/ them, since its uber extra $$ to do the upgrade, when I could basically get it for free if I switched sattelite companies. He searches, I think, he makes an offer, I think, he lowers the offer, I'm still thinking, he lowers the offer again, I ask questions...the process continues for a while. (Funny side note: as a slow processer, I often didn't say anything while I thought thru what was happening; the service guy must have interpreted this as me not being happy, because he would then, w/o prompting, offer something additional).

So I get to the end and I'm going to get the HDDVR receiver for the cost of just the HD receiver, which is cool, but I'm also getting an additional fee each month for the HD service and the DVR service. So in the end, I have installation fees (one time) and added monthly fees. So instead of canceling and saving money, I've added and am spending more money each month. Granted, its only an additional $16, but still.

The more I think about it, the less happy I am with myself. I don't need all the channels and I don't need DVR service. They are things I'd like, but I'm not sure it was the wisest choice. But now I'm locked into a 2 year agreement (not a super big deal, since I've had the service for 2 years already) and higher monthly payments. The only potentially good thing w/ this is that I'll have services I want. But I'm definatly dissapointed in myself.

I guess as I was hearing his deal, I realized I was getting the services for a much better price than they offer up front (he even thru in 6 months of free STARZ channels, which I don't really care about much).

Thinking about it, my biggest frustration w/ it is that I'm not cutting back on spending like I'd like to. No, I don't indulge all that often, but I'm feeling the financial pinch and really should be looking for ways to cut back, not spend more. I got a deal and 'saved money' on my services, but I would have truely saved money if I had just canceled my service. I'm an idiot.



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