Monday, July 07, 2008

All or nothing

It seems that I'm either crazy busy all the time or doing absolutely nothing. I really don't know why that is, but this summer seems to provide ample evidence to support this idea. Last week, for example...

The first few days I didn't do much. Went out for a meeting on Monday, but other than that, I was home by my self until church Wednesday night. Thursday day I was home, but went to the Vankers for dinner that night. It was a blast, as usual. They are a great family and I always have a good time w/ them. Phil & Ligaya came by later and we watched Arlington Road. An interesting movie, especially since it was made prior to 9-11 and viewed after it. Definitely thought provoking.

In true Ryan fasion, however, I was out late (1 something am) and was up and out by 9am the next morning (4th of July). I went out in to nowheresville on the plateau (out Ames Lake Road, if you know where that is) and hung w/ a HSer from church. We chatted for a while and then made some dry ice bombs and other firework concoctions. Lots of fun. : ) From there I went to make an appearance at a 4th of July party in Renton (lots of driving that day). It was fun, good to see people and chat, but I had to leave that party for the one I had suggested in Bellevue at James & Ingrid's place.

That was lots of fun as well. Obviously James & Ingrid were there, Dawn, and Ben & Lisa joined us later too. We ate, talked, and played Wii. : ) Again, lots of fun was had, and again, I stayed there until 1 something am.

Then Saturday I drove out to seattle to meet a friend and we spend the day on Bainbridge Island. Yet again, lots of fun was had. We had brunch at a cool little place on the Island, Cafe Nolan, I think. They were very busy and there was some confusion as to whether or not we'd get a table, but it worked out. Then we strolled the streets of Winslow and looked at all the vacation homes we can't afford. Maybe someday. : ) From there I went to church for the Saturday night service, by which time I was struggling to stay awake. For the first time in a while, I was happy to just go home after church and not hang out w/ people.

Sunday was pretty normal. Church/youth group in the am, hung in Bellevue w/ a friend after chuch, then C-Group that night, came home and watched some Smallville (yes, I still watch the show. I know its cheezy, but I'm still really into it, don't ask my why). I was in bed before midnight, yet I didn't wake up this morning until almost 11am. I couldn't figure out why, but now I'm realzing its probably because of my string of late nights and fun-filled days. So, though I'm not doing much today, its probably a good thing. : )

Zoo trip tomorrow, along w/ seeing Jeff & Megan's new house! Looking forward to more fun!



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