Saturday, October 25, 2003

New Forums

FYI: Ben has added something new to the whole blogging experience: forums! Don't ask me how they relate to the blogs, or what the actual point is (as far as I can tell, its like IM, only not instant, only on a specific topic, and multiple people can join in). But here's a link so you can go try it out if you'd like! I've also added a permanent link to the links sidebar on the left. . .


Not for the squeamish

Ok, may I warn you, what is to follow may be found by some to be disturbing and unsettling. Read on at your own risk.

You'll never guess what Friday was in my Microbiology lab: rectal swab day. That's right, and no, it wasn't of some poor unsuspecting animal, it was of us, the wonderful micro students! Why, you may ask, would you need to do a rectal swab? That's a good question, and, believe it or not, I actually have a good answer: because that's the best way to get a live E. coli sample to grow in culture.

Needless to say, I opted out of the "procedure" since it goes against everything that's right in the world. Let me just add, this is one of the reasons I'm not going to be a doctor!!

On the whole the week was a good one, but I'm gearing up for more busy-ness. Chem test on Tuesday, Origins test on Thursday (20% of final grade), Origins paper due on the 6th, Camp Casey 7-9, Micro test on that following Monday, then a test in another class (I don't remember which) on that Wednesday. Oh joy of joys, I'll be lucky to live thru those weeks!

And today I find myself at home, trying to finish reading one of the books that the Thursday test will be on. What better way to spend a Saturday than doing homework? I could think of lots!


Monday, October 20, 2003

Light at the end of the tunnel??

As I take a short break between chapters in my "Stars & Galaxies" book I come to an unreal realization (that's an odd paring of words): I may actually catch up w/ the reading/homework for the first time this quarter! Granted, I haven't done it yet, but I'm only one chapter away from that amazing feat!

That means I may actually have some time to take down my away message and chat w/ people online w/o feeling guilty because I'm avoiding doing some sort of homework.

Then again, it's almost 9pm, and by the time I finish reading the next chapter, it may be my bed time, so I may just call it even.


Friday, October 17, 2003

Yet another long week. . .

You know the week will be long when, on Tuesday morning, you are certain it must be Friday by now. But I'm sure no one else ever feels like that. : P

In general things are going well. I've been keeping very busy w/ school, and have been slightly tired all week (not enough to be exhausted, but enough that I'm not fully awake). There have been many times this week that I've wanted to add a post, but either haven't been near a computer, or the one I was near was down. Which reminds me. . .

No offence to those of you who have/do work(ed) in IT, but IT people can frustrated me sometimes. Like this last week. We have one old computer in the Collegium at school (the place for commuter students to hang out when not in class), and for some random, unknown reason, we were locked out of it by some nebulous IT note and a "locked" computer. It took at least 4 days before we could even get someone from IT to give us some sort of story on the computer's down-ness. The story was there was some sort of virus so the had to re-image the hard drive, but they needed some sort of part to do it. Something about that reason just didn't seem right, but I'm not a computer expert.

Finally, after more run-around answers and a bit of complaining, on Wednesday this IT guy actually comes into the Collegium (which, up to this point, they were unwilling to do) and tells us all we have to do is reboot the computer; some IT guy just forgot to unlock it.

After I got over my flabbergasted state, I was quite "put out," ie angry. What was all that garbage about re-imaging, then, anyway? Just a lie to shut us up? And if it was so simple, why couldn't they have told us to just reboot it in the first place? That was actually the first idea myself and another collegium member thought of, but we decided not to so as not to mess up whatever IT was doing. See if I'm ever that nice to IT again!

The good thing is, our computer is working again. The bad thing is, IT was stupid about it, so I don't trust them anymore.

Again, sorry to any of you who are involved in IT, but that's what happened, and no amount of explaining can explain away all of the stupidity of IT's actions in this situation. The just didn't care, and we suffered for it. >: (


Sunday, October 12, 2003

Beautiful Blustery Day

I don't know about the rest of you, but there is something about wind/thunder storms that gets me all excited. Sometimes I walk around w/ a stupid grin on my face simply because it's windy (other times I walk around w/ a stupid grin on my face because I'm on another planet). Maybe it's because we don't get a good storm in this part of the country all that often. We usually get the drizzle, but not as often the thunder, pouring rain, or violent winds. It's all very exciting.

What can be even more fun is being inside all warm and cozy, looking out the window at the cold, windy, wet world, and knowing you're not out in it.


Saturday, October 11, 2003

God is good!!

As I think I mentioned in an earlier post, this has been one of those weeks where everything feels like it's colapsing in on itself. One of those where at the end of Tuesday you feel like you've already been thru the entire week. I even reached a breaking point beyond which I could do no more on Thursday night (kinda' scarry, actually. Thankfully no one else was around!).

The amazingly great thing is, however, that God not only pulled me thru it, but He gave me the strength and peace to make it thru the hardest part: today (Friday). Today was the day the entire week was leading up to; every stress this week has culminated with Friday's events. And on this, the most criticle day, I was the most calm, the most relaxed, and the most at ease. And somehow, depite the fact that I didn't get to bed until 2:20am Thurs night/Fri morning, I have been awake and alert all day, even now, at almost 1am. Isn't God amazing?


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Wiped out week!

Ok, this is probably going to be it as far as posts for the week. It's insane this week. It's one of those weeks where it feels like I have to get everything done and I have no time to do it. I feel just wasted, and a little in fear for my grades. If you have a spare prayer, I could use it this week. Thanks!


Sunday, October 05, 2003

Way too Short

Have you ever noticed how the weekends are way to short? It seems like just about the time you start to relax, it's over and you're staring Monday in the face.

And no matter what I do, I always seem to be behind on my reading for class. It's one of those things that once you get behind, you're behind the rest of the quarter. I guess I was just too ambitious this quarter, actually thinking I'd get all that reading done on time! What was I thinking? : P

Tomorrow I start the lab TA position for the intro Biology class at school. Perhaps there'll be an update somtime. . .assuming I ever have the time. . . .


Saturday, October 04, 2003

Busy Weekend

As if I could have a weekend any other way! I took the time I didn't have to spend in lab on Friday ('cause the proff was gone) going up to Bellingham to visit my wonderful friends there. We hung out, went to Costco (settle down, Tina), had a great pasta dinner and went to CCF. After that, Megan and I, and later Jeff, went back to her place and played some games for while, and Ingrid and James went up to his cabin. Good time.

Oh, to pass the time while I was in the car driving to and from I got a book on CD from the library: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams. It's really funny! If any of you have never heard of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you should definatly give it a read. It's kinda' random, but a really fun read (or listen, in my case!!).

Today has consisted of: 1) getting my hair cut (yea!!!!), 2) sucessfuly assembling my new bookcase from Ikea, 3) went to Salmon days in Issaquah (and got free dinner!) 4) came home and avoided putting all the junk back in my new bookshelf.

Speaking of all the junck, I had to clean out one corner of my room where my new bookcase now is, which is good, but all that stuff is now spread all over my room, which is not so good. Actually, I should probably be putting it all away now, instead of typing in my blog. So I guess that's all for now!


Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Redundant and Repetitious

Ok, here's a bit of venting: I'm getting a little fed up w/ the content of my Origins class. Yesterday we watched 2 hour long videos that were both on the same thing (same song, second verse. . .). We also have two books we're supposed to be reading for the class, and each of them says the same thing as the 2 videos. That's 4 different sources all giving the exact same information! I'm not a fast reader, and it take much effort and time for me to sit and read, and I have lots of reading for my OTHER CLASSES, so I'm frustrated at the assinged reading that is wasting my time!!!!

Ok, I think I'll be ok. I'm just not staying up any later reading the same material. I'm going to bed, and will think about finishing the reading tomorrow during the time between classes. . .if I'm not still too frustrated.