Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Blood everywhere!

Ok, so it wasn't everywhere, but doesn't blood and violence sell? Nevermind. Basically I cut myself in lab today. See, I'm in a group for my Microbiology class, and for the lab we have to design and run an experiment, and then report on it to the class. Well, the rest of my group has been less than helpful, leaving me to do all the coordinating and most of the work.

That being the case, I was by myself this morning before class in the lab, trying to get our experiment started, since we had to run it today and get data going; the final presentation is next Friday! I was hurrying to get it done, I was already late to class, when all of a sudden there was blood dripping onto the lab bench--and it was coming from my finger!

Those of you who've been in a college chemistry or biology class know of one of the most common injuries: getting cut w/ a pipet. Well, I was even using good technique, but I guess I was pushing too hard to get the pipet into the bulb, and it broke in my hands, slicing my left index finger right above the knuckle.

It bled fairly substantially for a relativly minor cut, but it's probably because the cut from the glass is so "clean." Remember, I was alone in lab, so there was no one to help me get a band aid or anything while I dripped blood on the lab bench (which is actually a counter, just so you know).

Needless to say, the first aid kit in the lab didn't have any band aids, and though it had gause, it didn't have any tape, so I had to find a rubber band to put around the gause that was wraped around my finger. I looked pretty rediculous!

Well, fear not, I got it all cleaned out and taken care of at the student health center. And, 'cause I know you were wondering, 2 of the other 3 group members showed up after class and helped take readings the rest of the day. (there was another glitch that came up, but I won't bore you w/ the experimental details). Fun day for me, huh?! : )


Saturday, November 22, 2003

Long time no Blog

Ok, so it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I've been a bit busy, that's for sure. But I'm also not sure if anyone is reading this, so that's another part of it.

Let's see, what is there to update w/? This next week is gonna be nice and short: only two days long! Then it's Thanksgiving break, and with that comes Christmas music! Yea! I've been waiting months to get my Christmas CDs out, and next week that time will finally come.

What else is there to say? I spent most of the day today w/ my firend Anders. We baked Zuccini bread (no, I can't spell it, and it's my blog, so that's ok) and dinner, and then just bummed around, played Jenga, and chatted. An all around good afternoon/evening.

I really need to be good tomorrow and hit the homework hard. I don't have much due this week, but I do have lots due the week after Thanksgiving, and I don't want to have to spend my entire break working on school work. So. . .hopefully I can be motivated tomorrow. We shall see.

One final thought. My family may be going to Colorado this Christmas (or at least unitl Chrimstmas Eve) to spend the time w/ my Aunt and Uncle who just moved there. I hope we do go, 'cause I think it'd be alot of fun. And it would be good for me to get away for a little while too. This quarter has been pretty rough, so some time away would be good for me.

Well, that's all for now. I should get to bed so I can get up for church in the morning.


Monday, November 10, 2003

No Place Like Home

That is both the theme from Camp this past weekend, and the feeling I have now! Camp was good. I had the "quiet" floor of guys (which means the downstairs was noisier than we were, and my floor actually got to sleep at 1ish, instead of 2ish). No, really, the camp went really well. We had an awesome speaker, Steve Mitchells (from Northshore Baptist Church). He re-did a camp from when I was in 8th grade. The theme was "No Place Like Home" from the Wizard of Oz. Very cool.

I also had the privilage of seeing the total lunar eclipse this weekend. Anyone else catch it? It was really cool! Not only is the moon eclipsed by the shaddow of the earth, but it also glows a dark red because of it. Really neat!

But, all in all, I'm glad to be home. My grandparents are in town, so it's cool to spend some time w/ them. There is no lab to TA for this week, so I'm home early, and there's no class tomorrow (Veteran's Day), so this is a great way to start the week!

Thanks to all who prayed for me last week. I really needed it, and God really came thru. He was definatly there w/ me this morning on the Micro test. I still didn't finish it; not because I didn't know the material, but because I ran out of time again. Oh well, we'll see what happens. For now I'm gonna take it easy and pretend it's the weekend!


Thursday, November 06, 2003

Prayers Please

I don't have much time to write, but I do have a request for prayer for myself. I was up until about 4:45am this morning working on a big paper due today (20% of final course grade). God was good in my getting it done and I feel farily confindent w/ it, but I'm exhausted, and I leave for JH Camp Casey on Friday (tomorrow) afternoon. Tonight I have study group and won't get home until 8:30 or 9, and then have a large microbiology assignment to do, as well as doing laundry and packing for Camp.

So. . .I'll be really sleep deprived, and needing to do ministry on an empty tank. Please pray for sleep, energy, and openness to God's leading both before, durring, and after camp (oh yeah, and I have a micro test on Monday after I get back. When it rains, it pours). Anyway, thanks for the prayers!!


Saturday, November 01, 2003

I realized that I should probably update my blog, though I don't know if I have anything really interesting to say.

School is going. . .well. . .it's going. I'm about halfway thru the quarter, so that's good. It took a Chemistry test on Tuesday and a Physics midterm on Thrusday. One of those weeks! The "great" part is I have a rather weighty paper due this next Thursday in the Physics class too. Isn't that going to be fun?!

Let's see. . .a week from now I'll be at Camp Casey on Whidby Island w/ ~100 junior highers for our fall church retreat. It'll be a great weekend, but I'll be exhausted by the end. I always am. It's that whole light sleeper thing that always seems to get me. It never fails that I'm one of the last to fall asleep. . .you know, after all those people who snore. : P

Well, I should get back to being unproductive.