Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Blood everywhere!

Ok, so it wasn't everywhere, but doesn't blood and violence sell? Nevermind. Basically I cut myself in lab today. See, I'm in a group for my Microbiology class, and for the lab we have to design and run an experiment, and then report on it to the class. Well, the rest of my group has been less than helpful, leaving me to do all the coordinating and most of the work.

That being the case, I was by myself this morning before class in the lab, trying to get our experiment started, since we had to run it today and get data going; the final presentation is next Friday! I was hurrying to get it done, I was already late to class, when all of a sudden there was blood dripping onto the lab bench--and it was coming from my finger!

Those of you who've been in a college chemistry or biology class know of one of the most common injuries: getting cut w/ a pipet. Well, I was even using good technique, but I guess I was pushing too hard to get the pipet into the bulb, and it broke in my hands, slicing my left index finger right above the knuckle.

It bled fairly substantially for a relativly minor cut, but it's probably because the cut from the glass is so "clean." Remember, I was alone in lab, so there was no one to help me get a band aid or anything while I dripped blood on the lab bench (which is actually a counter, just so you know).

Needless to say, the first aid kit in the lab didn't have any band aids, and though it had gause, it didn't have any tape, so I had to find a rubber band to put around the gause that was wraped around my finger. I looked pretty rediculous!

Well, fear not, I got it all cleaned out and taken care of at the student health center. And, 'cause I know you were wondering, 2 of the other 3 group members showed up after class and helped take readings the rest of the day. (there was another glitch that came up, but I won't bore you w/ the experimental details). Fun day for me, huh?! : )



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