Friday, December 05, 2003

So close!

Ok, it's once again been a while since my last post. This week has been insane, school wise. It seems like my profs decided that it would be a good idea to give tests, papers, and projects to be due all but one day this week, the week before finals. How considerate?!

Actually, now that I've finished all those papers, tests, and projects, I'm really not that concerned about finals; compared to this week, finals will be a breeze!

All I have to do this week is study for finals, which start on Tuesday. As a part of that, I'll have to finish reading a book about the anthropology of human evolution (snoooooze!), but other than that, I've got a light weekend. Yea!

Oh, and I'm sorry to all those that can't read this because you don't have power. I feel bad for you. . .but not bad enough to be in your place! :) No, seriously, we've already lost power 3 times this fall at my house, so I figure I deserve to miss out on the "excitement".

Well, that's it for now. Hope you're don't well!



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