Saturday, January 24, 2004

Busy, again

Yes, it's back to the busy. This weekend has been a blur, and not really a weekend. Friday I thankfuly had my last class canceled, and so was able to take a much needed nap before heading BACK downtown for a shoot at Town Hall. The shoot went pretty well, and didn't really take that long, but it was kinda' pressure-intensive (very important for the people I was doing the shoot for), so it wore me out.

Then I got to get up this morning at the same time as I do during the week so I could drop off the equipment I used Friday night while on my way back DOWNTOWN again to work FanFest at Safeco Field. It wasn't that bad of a shoot, but again it took time, it was cold, and long (it began at 10am and went until 3:30pm). Needless to say, when I got back home I immediatly crashed.

Tomorrow I have church in the morning, as usual, and then probably a tour of the HP building that our church could possible relocate to here in the near future. Then I have to study for the Genetics test I have on Monday. You know, the one w/ the prof who hasn't taught us how to do the problems, which, he has said, is what most of the test consists of? Yeah, that's the test I'm studying for. Fun, huh? Oh well, nothing more challenging than usual, and I'm sure I'll make it thru.


Sunday, January 18, 2004

Not so bad. . .yet

So far this quarter isn't as bad as last quarter. At least, not the same amount of work required. Some of that is probably due to the fact that all the stuff we've done in Genetics so far has been review from previous bio classes. It's always easier to learn something you already know/have learned. : P Chemistry has required a bit of work, but on Friday we got to play w/ liquid Nitrogen, so my judgement is currently clouded (or frozen). Ethics isn't too bad, though we'll be talking about death all quarter. Mostly reading in that class, a bit of discussion, and 4 short test. Definatly tollerable.

Oh, and the thing that's even better? NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! I love days off school. Is there anything better? Not only does it mean the week is a day shorter, but it also means that there's no Chem lab on Wednesday. Awesome!!

The only other thing I can think of to update--oh wait, two things. First, I just found out that Ingrid has mono, so if you think about it, please pray for her quick recovery, and that she'd still be able to do her in-school practicum. Second, I keep thinking that my graduate school app is done, but come to discover new things I need to do/work out. Please pray that God would take care of the details for me, and that I'd do whatever I need to to make this happen.

Ok, that's all for now. Hope to talk to ya soon.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Back at it

That's right, I'm back in school agian. Since we don't have snow this week, this is the first full week of school this quarter. So far it doesn't seem as intense as last quarter, but that by no means means it's easy. I'm taking 4 classes: Genetics, Chemistry (quarter 2), Ethics, and Senior Sythesis. None of them are terribly interesting, but none seem terribly difficult yet either, so I guess it's a trade off.

I'm once again leading a study group for the general Biology class, as well as being a lab TA for the class. It makes for long days (until 5 on Mondays, until 7:30 on Thursdays), but it's paid, and I enjoy it.

The other "exciting" thing I'm up to currently is applying to UW for graduate school. The deadline for applications is February 1st, so I've got some time, but not much. I'm in process, and my goal is to have it completed this weekend. From there it's just hoping, praying, and waiting. If I don't get in, I'll take that as God sending me in another direction, since I won't be able to teach w/o my MIT.

That's the update for now. Should you want furthur info, make a comment, and I'll do my best to oblige (sp?) w/ another, more interesting post. Always for the people! : P


Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Snow, and more snow

Yes, it has once again snowed in the great Northwest. I can't remember the last time we had snow so many days so close to eachother. We (at least at my house) didn't get "dumped on" like the weather guys predicted, but it was enough to cancel class for me, so that's about all I care about!

Like many of you, there was nearly no snow this morning here at home, but class was already canceled, so I didn't question it, but promptly went back to bed. : ) By the time I woke up again at 10 something, there was an inch or two of snow on the ground, and it was still falling.

Today consisted of lazing about the house, playing in the snow (our pour attempt for a snowman), and watching The Matrix: Reloaded (a Christmas present). I would like to actually get some stuff done today, so I think I'll try to finish my laundry, and perhaps do some more cleaning of my room (yeah, that'll happen).


Sunday, January 04, 2004

Back in the Grind

Well, these are the last few hours of my freedom (ie Christmas Break). As I sit here, refleting over the last 3 weeks of no homework, I realize that I could get used to it. : ) Besides being bored from time to time, my stress level is MUCH lower, and I have the time to hang out w/ the people I care about and I have alot more fun.

I realize this won't last, soon I'll be in the infamous "real world," where 'break' is 2 weeks a year, and a random Monday off, but I still enjoy this time, and wish it could last longer.

This quarter shouldn't be too hard (yeah right). I have almost the exact same schedule as I had last quarter, w/ a few class differences, but the times are the same. The only time that's different is having class end at 3 instead of 5 on Friday (always good to end earlier rather than later).

One cool thing is that Megan is student teaching this quarter, so she'll be around more (in theory), instead of being up in Bellingham. Ingrid, however, will be (and as of this writing, probalby already is) in Bellingham, so Megan and I will have to take a little visit up sometime this quarter. : )

If I'm really good, I'll be in bed in the next 10 minutes, so I'll have enough sleep tonight before I head back to school in the morning. . .but I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't happen.

For all you heading back to school, good luck, safe travels, and hope to see you soon. To those of you still here, in the area, maybe working, keep plugging at it, and I admire your ability to drudge on.

Here we go!