Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Back at it

That's right, I'm back in school agian. Since we don't have snow this week, this is the first full week of school this quarter. So far it doesn't seem as intense as last quarter, but that by no means means it's easy. I'm taking 4 classes: Genetics, Chemistry (quarter 2), Ethics, and Senior Sythesis. None of them are terribly interesting, but none seem terribly difficult yet either, so I guess it's a trade off.

I'm once again leading a study group for the general Biology class, as well as being a lab TA for the class. It makes for long days (until 5 on Mondays, until 7:30 on Thursdays), but it's paid, and I enjoy it.

The other "exciting" thing I'm up to currently is applying to UW for graduate school. The deadline for applications is February 1st, so I've got some time, but not much. I'm in process, and my goal is to have it completed this weekend. From there it's just hoping, praying, and waiting. If I don't get in, I'll take that as God sending me in another direction, since I won't be able to teach w/o my MIT.

That's the update for now. Should you want furthur info, make a comment, and I'll do my best to oblige (sp?) w/ another, more interesting post. Always for the people! : P



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