Friday, February 27, 2004

Am I dead yet?

No, I'm not suicidal (we've talked WAY too much in my ethics class about that--I'm too bored of the subject), I'm just feeling the stress right now. Honnestly, it's only by the grace of God that I'm at all coherient this afternoon. There have been tests and homework and projects and papers all this week, and that doesn't include any actual life stuff. Add to that a good, but also busy, weekend, and I don't really have a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think that's partially what helped make the week so much harder. I'm going to see Arthur: The Begetting tonight at Taproot, which will be really cool, but that means I'm gonna be out late tonight. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but tomorrow morning I have to be out at Mount Si High School in North Bend (45min-an hour away) at 6:30am. Again, it's for a good thing, but it's still really early!

I'm then working on this project all day tomorrow, probably until 6 or 7pm. Try and get some sleep, and then back at it on Sunday. I kinda' think I'm gonna play hooky from church that morning, but if so I'll proably be working on this project again which is at 8am. Either way, I'll be up at about the same time. The project should be done mid-afternoon, I think, and then I can start thinking about whatever homework I've got. : )

Oh, and one more minor thing about Sunday: in the evening there is a youth baptism going on at church, which I'd like to be there for. . .and the Academy Awards. Usually I get together w/ Megan and Ingrid to watch the awards, but they're early this year, and so we're all still in school. : ( I don' t know what I'll do Sunday. I may just want to come home and sleep!

Anyway, that's more detail than you all probably care to know, and I need to get some stuff done here before I head out to the play (you know, like laundry and stuff).


Sunday, February 22, 2004

Once Rarely

Ok, it's time for my update, which seems to be once rarely. That's supposed to be a joke. Ok, I admit it's not that funny.

So much has happened since my last post, and yet, so little detail will probably be posted tonight. Mostly because I'm lazy. : )

One of the big things was 8th Grade Retreat last weekend (as in a week ago from this weekend). It was cool to be up in the snowy mountains w/ a relatively smaller group of students: just the 8th graders. While I was there I celebrated my 22nd birthday, and got some snow as a present from God. : ) All in all the weekend was good, though it was tiring, of course. Thankfully I had Monday off of school for president's day, so I was able to do some recuperating before heading back into school.

The week wasn't too bad, if you ignore the Genetics test I took on Tuesday and did lousy on. My proff is a nice guy, but his teaching style really conflicts w/ my learning style (ie I can't understand what he's talking about). Several of the things on the test I just made stupid mistakes, but the entire second page, I think, was unfair. Stuff that we didn't talk about, really, and intellectual leaps that I don't know how we were supposed to make. Oh well, it's over, and nothing else can be done about it.

One good thing that happened this week was I found out that the MIT people over at the UW decided to accept my petition to take the WEST-B late (long story, but let's just say if this didn't happen, I wouldn't be going to teacher-school next fall). Now I just have to wait and see what they think of my application. Supposedly there's a personal interview that happens as a part of the application process, but I haven't heard anything about it yet. We'll see what happens.

Let's see, what else should I bore you -- I mean tell you about? Spent the day yesterday w/ a friend, Anders, hangin', listening to music and watching movies. Oh yeah, and we made fettuccini alfredo from scratch (well, not the fettuccini, but the alfrado sauce, at least). We were pretty proud of ourselves. It was a good time, it's just a shame he lives out in Issaquah and it takes so long to drive all the way out there (or all the way from his place to mine. It's just as long going either way).

Oh, one more thing. Next Saturday and Sunday Paul is shooting his trailer/pilot for the film he wants to do. I'll be helping him out on Saturday, and maybe tagging along/helping on Sunday as well. It'll be a busy, long weekend, but it should be really cool. W/ that coming next weekend, I'm sure it will be a while before I update again (in case you haven't noticed, I tend to update in spurts).

Alright, that's it for now. I need to think about making myself go to bed so I can get enough sleep to handle this week!


Friday, February 13, 2004


Finally, after over 20 years, the original Star Wars Trillogy is being released on DVD!! (ok, so DVDs haven't been around since 1977 when the first movie first came out in theaters, but that's ok) Ok, I just had to share that cool little bit of info. : )


Thursday, February 12, 2004


And what a whirlwind of a week it's been! There has been so much that's happened this week, it's impossible to cram it all into one blog posting. The short end of it is I am now going to have a Biology/General Science endorsement for teaching instead of a Earth Science/General Science endorsement (and yes, this is a good thing). This means I totally changed my schedule for next quarter at SU, and it changes my plans for summer classes as well (all in a good direction, thankfully).

For those of you keeping track, there are still a few things I'm waiting on to know for sure if I can do this whole teaching thing, the biggest being the WEST-B. Apparently it should have been taken before the application due date, but that wasn't posted anywhere, so I'm registered to take in in March, though the app, which I had done, was due by Feb. 1st. So, I've pettitioned to take the test late, which is kinda' funny, since I'm taking it either way. It's just a matter of them letting me still get into the program. God has done some amazing things w/ this this week, so I'm sure He can pull this off too if it's what He wants.

Those are just a few details of a HUGEly long story I'd love to share w/ you, but we'll have to do it in person. The other point of busy-ness with this whole thing is that I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon for the weekend--it's 8th Grade Retreat w/ the JH group. It should be a great time. It's my favorite camp of the year. It's a smaller group, which I always like, and its the 8th graders, which is cool. I just need the energy to make it! : P


Monday, February 09, 2004

No Title Title

Here it is, 12:25am, and I'm not in bed. Why? Partially because I'm chatting online, and partially because it's the only way I can avoid starting this week. I've got so much happening, and so many things that directly or indirectly relate to the rest of my life, and then there's all the other "little" things, like tests and whatnot that get in the way.

Hard, long, week, here we come.


Saturday, February 07, 2004

Trying to be productive

It can be so hard to get stuff done when all you want to do is just be lazy. I push so hard during the week, at school, with homework, and working, that the last thing I want to do over the weekend is more work. However, I think I may have reached a compromise today.

I have 2 lab reports to grade this weekend for my TA position (so it's work related). It's not hard, but it takes time. So to make myself not feel like I'm working as hard, I haven't gotten dressed today. : ) I'm working in my bathrobe. That's nice. The only problem is, I find I get more done when I'm actually dressed than when I'm in my bathrobe. Oh well. I think I can get the first lab done today, and most of the second lab done sometime tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, it'll be a big, important day at church tomorrow. We have the vote as to whether or not we should persue purchasing the HP building and moving the location of the church to eastgate. I am as of yet, still undecided as to how I'm going to vote. It's a very important issue, and I don't want to make a decision w/o really seeking the best option and what God wants the church to do. No matter how the vote goes tomorrow, it will greatly effect how this next year will go w/ the church. We'll see what God has in store!


Thursday, February 05, 2004

For your information. . .

In an attempt to avoid the oodles of homework I have to do, I thought I'd share with you all a plethera of "numbers", many of which we are familiar with, but don't know the official definition. Definatly worth a few minutes of wasted time. : )


Sunday, February 01, 2004

Head Ache

That's the best way to describe my current state: my head hurts. Yes, I have a head ache, but I think it's a result of stress, rather than anything else. There are so many big issues going on right now, that I think I'm transfering all the tension into my head. The funny thing is, most of them are not directly related to me, but rather involve people I care about. I will do my best to update, but please forgive my fuzzy head.

I think I completed my graduate school app to the UW. I mailed all the pertinante stuff about mid week last week, so hopefully they revieved it. My only concern is w/ the endorsement requirements, and the WEST-B test. The test I'm scheduled to take in March, so I'm not super worried about that. W/ the endorsement, however, I haven't heard back from the department person I need to to have an evaluation, so I don't know where that puts my application process. I hope UW will just let me know what things they still need/don't have so I can do what I need to to get things done and moving w/ this process.

Let's see, what else of importance is there? There is a big decision that's coming up for my church next Sunday: whether or not to persue moving to a new buliding. I'm still undecided as to what God wants us to do, and how He wants me to vote on the matter. There was a Q&A session today, and that was good. I feel like I have some good information now, but I still don't know how to vote. I need to be listening to God's leading, but my life is so full of other things, equally (and possibly more) important, so it make it really hard. I'm doing alot of praying, but the hard part is being quite and listening to God's answer. Always something to work on, right? : )

I think that's it for now. Any spare prayers are much appreciated, not only for wisdom for me in all these different situations, but also for the people involved in them, that God would be w/them, help them, direct them, etc. Thanks aton!