Sunday, February 01, 2004

Head Ache

That's the best way to describe my current state: my head hurts. Yes, I have a head ache, but I think it's a result of stress, rather than anything else. There are so many big issues going on right now, that I think I'm transfering all the tension into my head. The funny thing is, most of them are not directly related to me, but rather involve people I care about. I will do my best to update, but please forgive my fuzzy head.

I think I completed my graduate school app to the UW. I mailed all the pertinante stuff about mid week last week, so hopefully they revieved it. My only concern is w/ the endorsement requirements, and the WEST-B test. The test I'm scheduled to take in March, so I'm not super worried about that. W/ the endorsement, however, I haven't heard back from the department person I need to to have an evaluation, so I don't know where that puts my application process. I hope UW will just let me know what things they still need/don't have so I can do what I need to to get things done and moving w/ this process.

Let's see, what else of importance is there? There is a big decision that's coming up for my church next Sunday: whether or not to persue moving to a new buliding. I'm still undecided as to what God wants us to do, and how He wants me to vote on the matter. There was a Q&A session today, and that was good. I feel like I have some good information now, but I still don't know how to vote. I need to be listening to God's leading, but my life is so full of other things, equally (and possibly more) important, so it make it really hard. I'm doing alot of praying, but the hard part is being quite and listening to God's answer. Always something to work on, right? : )

I think that's it for now. Any spare prayers are much appreciated, not only for wisdom for me in all these different situations, but also for the people involved in them, that God would be w/them, help them, direct them, etc. Thanks aton!



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