Saturday, February 07, 2004

Trying to be productive

It can be so hard to get stuff done when all you want to do is just be lazy. I push so hard during the week, at school, with homework, and working, that the last thing I want to do over the weekend is more work. However, I think I may have reached a compromise today.

I have 2 lab reports to grade this weekend for my TA position (so it's work related). It's not hard, but it takes time. So to make myself not feel like I'm working as hard, I haven't gotten dressed today. : ) I'm working in my bathrobe. That's nice. The only problem is, I find I get more done when I'm actually dressed than when I'm in my bathrobe. Oh well. I think I can get the first lab done today, and most of the second lab done sometime tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, it'll be a big, important day at church tomorrow. We have the vote as to whether or not we should persue purchasing the HP building and moving the location of the church to eastgate. I am as of yet, still undecided as to how I'm going to vote. It's a very important issue, and I don't want to make a decision w/o really seeking the best option and what God wants the church to do. No matter how the vote goes tomorrow, it will greatly effect how this next year will go w/ the church. We'll see what God has in store!



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