Monday, December 29, 2003

Post Christmas Update

Christmas has come and gone, and the traditional time of thanking people for things you have no idea what you'll do with is now over. : )

This year Christmas was two days long for myself. I spent Christmas day w/ my sister at my dad's house. That was interesting, first of all because of the 'uniqueness' of some of the gifts, which we have now come to expect, as well as that my dad invited one of his girlfriends and her son over for the afternoon. Needless to say it wasn't a relaxing time. Not bad, per se, but not relaxing.

The 26th was a really busy day for me. In the morning I went to church to set up sound/media stuff for a wedding reception the following day. The setup went ok, but I couldn't find many things and had to improvise. The story of my life! From there I came back home and had the second Christmas w/ my mom and two sisters. It was good, but my present for my mom hasn't arrived yet, so I'm a bit frustrated (since it should have arrived by now). I then went back into Bellevue to help with sound issues for the wedding ceremony, which was held at a different church (come on, would you really want to get married in our church? I don't think so!). After the rehersal came dinner, and then home.

The following day was the wedding. I ran sound for the ceremony, and then sound/media at the reception. Afterwards I helped tear down and get the stage set up for Sunday morning. I finished w/ that at about 7:30-8:00, and then went over to Paul's house. We, and two of his other friends, played Mario Cart on his Game Cube. Let me just say, I stink at racing, but if you do teams and I manage the weapons, we kick butt!! After the gaming was over and some excitement that involved a shoe, a wall, and Oxyclean (don't ask), Paul and I chatted. . .for a while. . .ok, a long while. . .that is, we didn't get to bed until 4am. It was a really good talk, but we had to be up by 7 at the latest to make it to church on time. Can you say not enough sleep?

Today has gone alright. There were parts of church this morning that were hard to stay awake for, but for the most part it was good. After church Ingid, Alison, Paul, and I went to lunch at Red Robin. It was fun, and we enjoyed ourselves. (Megan and Dawn were supposed to come, but unfortunatly couldn't). Then I picked Cari up at church and we drove home.

Nap time! Need I say more?



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