Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Day 1

My alarm went off at 6:00 this morning (but of course I didn't get up right away). I then proceeded to get ready for my first day of "school." It didn't take me too long to find and arrive at Skyview Junior High. It's up in Canyon Park, not too far from Ben's house (it's the JH he attended, actually). Got there about 20 minutes early (better than late), so I waited for a while and then was taken to my classroom to meet my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Hjort (Yort, it's danish).

The day was long, but not as long as some days in the bookstore can be. : ) Being the first day of classes for the students, I got to observe Mrs. Hjort use her seating chart and begin to learn student's names (she's a fast learner). There was a little bit of syllabus related stuff, but instead of going over class rules and such, my CT (cooperating teacher) decided to get the students started w/ an experiment on density and bouancy, requiring them to use the scientific method to design their own experiement. They designed today, and tomorrow will implement their designs and see if they have a good design, or if they need to rework it. I was able to wander the class and help answer some questions for the students, so that was good (in previous years, MIT students weren't allowed to interact at all, but had to just observe...very boring).

And now it's pouring down rain and --oh, there was a flash of lightning. Very odd weather we're having today--op, there's the thunder: dissapointingly soft. Oh well. That's all the updating I can really think of for the moment. I'm tired from getting up so early, and need to make myself go to be earlier tonight (yeah right).



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