Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Professor Meeting & New Building

So I know some of you are wanting an update on my meeting w/ my prof today (see previous post below). Overall it went well. It ended up lasting for an hour, which was longer than I originally anticipated, but it wasn't horrible. She was very reasonable and tried to be understanding.

I say tried because she thought she understood me and where I'm comming from more than I think she really understood it. There were moments when I thought I was actually getting thru to her and we had reached an understanding about what she meant about a certian pedagogy (like that educational jargon?), but then another comment would come and I'd be reminded that she only thinks she understands.

But she was very willing to take me step-by-step thru somethings I didn't get to help me understand some of the things she's teaching better, which was one of my frustrations. I do feel like I have a better understanding of several things in the course, especially the inquiry project that has been the bane of my existence all quarter long.

My one beef w/ the whole meeting was that she seemed almost too happy at times. She was always trying to say something good and how what my complaints were were actually good things and modeld the type of thinking she was hoping I'd have and such. While I don't think she was outright lying to me, it did feel kinda' fake; like she was trying to be positive and not really say what she thought. I dunno. I guess it was frustrating that she never came out and said that she disagreed with anything I said, and yet that was/is the feeling I get sometimes. I guess its the vagueness of it all that bothers me. If you think something, just say it. Too much sugar-coating makes me sick.

The other thing I've been up to this week is being trained on the new A/V equipment at our new church building in Eastgate. It's been interesting, but overwhelming as well. All this new stuff to learn and understand, and when the guy is explaining it, I get only about half of it, and have to fill in the rest. I also will be moving the old sound equipment from our old building to the new one and setting up the youth systems this week, probably on Friday mostly. The couple of people I thought I had helping me seem to keep getting pulled into other tasks, so I'm just going to have to do it myself if it's going to be done by Sunday. We'll see how things go then!

Ok, enough of that, I should be off to do something eat and veg : )



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