Saturday, January 15, 2005

I've been heard

For the first time since I've entered UWs teacher education program I feel like I've truely been heard by someone in charge. On Thursday I made a comment in my adolescent development class (the class that is my one saving grace this quarter) about suggesting something that goes against the TEP philosophy. It wasn't anything major or huge, and I didn't really do it to challenge, just to ask "what's the reason behind this?" (I know, some of you know that sometimes I do ask questions just to challenge, but this wasn't one of those times). After class the prof asked me about it and really dug into the issue that I've been having w/ the TEP program (I know, it's redundant like ATM machine, but it just doesn't sound right any other way). But for me, not only did she ask me about it, but for the first time I feel like she understood my answers. She asked follow up questions that indicated that she was listening and understood the meaning I was trying to convey. You have no idea how much that means to me.

My methods prof tried last quarter (see this post to for a refresher), and she really thought that she understood, but there was a big component that she didn't get and so I resigned myself to the fact that she doesn't really understand, thought she does get effort points. But to have a prof who really does understand is great. It's validating and makes me feel like I have an advocate if I need one.

This quarter is going to be hard for several reasons, one of which is all the baggage I bring to it from last quarter. This prof and this class are perhaps a gift from God telling me that I can enjoy myself and I'm not completly crazy and off base with my frustrations.



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