Saturday, January 01, 2005

One last day of freedom

That's right, after tomorrow it's back to class for me. Though I'd love to say I'm looking forward to it, that'd be a lie. I'm not dreading it, but I really would like to keep my less stressed time (go figure). Break has been good, but not nearly long enough.

Today I had the privilage of getting together w/ Wes and his new (to me) girlfriend, Crystal, as well as Ben and Nicole Bowman from HS. It was great to see them and to meet Crystal. It's funny how seeing some people from HS is cool and others borders on scarry. I know some of you know what I mean.

Last night I was over at Paul's friend Arthur's house for the evening. We had a good time playing Taboo, as well as a round of Poker (not my favorite game, but I ended up doing alright; didn't loose any money, so that's gotta count for something). It was cool that there were only 5 of us there. Small enough to really talk to everyone and have some good conversation.

Tonight is my sister Cari's last night at home for a while, possibly ever (w/ this being her primary home, that is). She's planning to get an apartment this summer down by BIOLA so it could be a while before I see her again. I'm excited for her, but sad to see her go. It's been great to have her home (and Amy as well, but she's here until next weekend).

Umm, can't really think of anything else to update you on. Hope you all have had a great 2005 so far. I'm sure the rest of it will bring many things, both expected and unexpected. I only pray that when we get to this point next year we can look back and see where God's brought us!



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