Monday, December 27, 2004

One down, one more to go, that is. (Side note: it's been bugging me that everyone keeps calling this time "the holidays", when really it's Christmas. Though Hanukkah does occur in December as well, I've been informed in my multi-cultural class, that in general Jews think it's really all about Christmas too. So the only other holiday I know of around this time is New Years. That's the assumption I'm opperating under for that last comment. Now that I've taken a complete and utter tangent even before I really began this post...)

My time in Colorado was great. It was cool to see family I haven't seen in many years, as well as some I've seen in the last 6 months. I think it was just neat that many of us on that side of the family actually get along and enjoy being together. While there were the obligitory "I want to kill >insert family member's name here< times," and the "I'm so bored I just want to go home" times, one the whole it was a great trip. And we got snow and cold temps, so I was happy. : )

For those who care, probably the two most exciting gifts from family this year were the Star Wars DVDs (original trillogy) and my lava lamp (it demonstrates density and buoyancy, so I have to have it for my future classroom, you know). But I enjoyed getting gifts for friends and family, and got many cool gifts in return.

This week consists of not much so far, but I'm sure it'll fill up quickly. Tomorrow I'm going costume shopping w/ Lisa Fast for the JH skit box at Value Village. Should be fun. Then Wednesday night I'm going to a post-Christmas party w/ some friends from high school; looking forward to that. Don't have any set plans for New Years yet, so if you've got some rockin' party planned, let me know. : P Then I 'get' to start school on January 3rd, so I really only have a week left of vacation. But I plan to make the most of it.

Hope you all had a great Christmas and hopefully I'll bump into you soon.



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