Monday, December 20, 2004

>insert witty title here<

This will probably be my last post before I head off to Colorado tomorrow afternoon. I may be bringing my laptop w/ me, but am not counting on being able to do any web stuff from there. We shall see.

Had a wonderful night last night. I was over at Megan's house for some games w/ her, Jeff, Ingrid, and James. Good times were had, along w/ a very long game of Loaded Questions. If any of you are wondering, yes, you should probably roll the dice each turn, not just at the begining. That's my tip. : )

Let's see, what else should I update you on? Oh yes, I found out yesterday that my good friend Dan is now engaged to the wonderful Jane. So a big congrats to the two of them.

Today will be filled with house cleaning as we prepare to leave for a week. I really should have started already, but am procrastinating as usual. I suppose I should do some laundry as well, since I'll have to pack tomorrow and all.

So far I'm 2 Christmases down, and 2 more to go; I'm halfway there! Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and hopefully I'll see ya' when I return!



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