Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Same song, third verse...

Back at UW and back to the "I'm going to stink as a teacher." Only this time, I don't believe them. I've had it with all their post-modern touchy feely experiential learning crap. Though I know deep down that they have some very valid points, their refusal to acknowledge that I also have a valid perspective has pushed me to simply say "screw you" and I'll do my own thing.

Amazing how in less than 2 hours of class I can be right back to hating the program. And yet I LOVED my time at Skyveiw. I'd much rather be there and bored w/ nothing to do than be in class at the U and be totally invalidated and frustrated to no end.

I just have to tell myself that I'm going to glean what I want and ignore what I don't. I'm the one who's going to be the teacher and who's paying the money, so it's my choice what to keep and what to reject.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Horray for Dead Presidents!

Thanks to 2 presidents being born around this time of year I don't have class tomorrow. Boy am I thankful! While my time at Skyview wasn't always the most thrilling, it was far better than my time at UW, and going back is not something I'm looking forward to. I'd much rather spend the last 3 weeks of the quarter at Skyview than back at UW, but oh well.

As a recap of Skyview, my 4 days of teaching went well, on the whole. There were many things I would have liked to do better, but seeing as it was my first go at it, I feel it went pretty well. And yes, the lesson in the dark went relativly smoothly. (Actually, that's when the principal decided to come and see how the class was going; He didn't know I was teaching that period, but nevertheless, that's when he came) My period followed directions well. The 5th period class, however, had someone throw ice in the dark so we had to stop the lab. Too bad, too, 'cause it's a fun lab that they missed out on. I'm doing alright on student names, though there are still many (mostly girls) who I need to work on. My interactions w/ my CT are going well and we seem to be able to work well together.

One frustrating thing about having to go to class this week is that my JH students all get to be on midwinter break this week. They go on break and I go back to my classes. : / Oh well, such is life.

I think this week will actually be fairly boring. Both the students I'm tutoring are in Mexico this week, so no work. And my friends that are now teachers also have the week off and as such have filled their weeks w/ lots to do. But oh well, such is life.

Ummm, not really anything else of interest to post at the moment, I just felt like I shoud put something up here.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Single's Awareness Day

Yes, I know that most of you who are reading this site aren't single, but I am and it's my blog, so that's how its going to be. : )

I'll give you a very brief update before I head to bed as I should have done an hour ago. Last week I did teach 4 days for one period. For the most part it went well. Several things I wish I did better, but so far I don't think the students hate me so that's a good thing.

Good weekend both relaxing and hanging out. Tutoring all week after school, so it'll be another busy one. Oh, in school today I let the students ask me questions about myself which was pretty amuzing. I got questions all the way from "How tall are you?" to "Are you a vampire?" (if you knew the guy you'd understand). Needless to say, it came out that my b-day's tomorrow, so I wonder if anything will actually happen. Several students in my 7th period threatened to get me a Malibu Barbie. Here's hoping they forget.

Ok, enough to wet your appetite, I hope, 'cause I got to catch some shut eye.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Lesson #1

Brief update for those who are itching to know...

Today I taught my first full lesson/class period at Skyview JH. I was so nervous that I didn't hardly sleep last night; kept waking up each hour and drempt about not being prepared and such. The lesson got started off a bit rougher than I'd have liked, with an annoying interruption, but I got into the flow of it, the students were responding to my questions, and it seemed to go well considering it's my first time.

I was also being observed by my University Supervisior and we debriefed after the lesson. Again, I got some good feedback from her, somethings I did well, as well as some ideas for how to make it better. One trend I'm begining to notiece w/ myself is that I do things in my lessons that I just do because it seems the thing to do, but then I get complimented on after the lesson because it fit for such and such a reason and must've been deliberate...nope, pure luck. But I'm wondering if it's more than luck and maybe an inate bent towards these good teaching tactics that I do out of more of a gut feeling. Who knows.

I still have 3 more lessons to teach this week, including one lab done entirely IN THE DARK! (Junior highers + dark classroom = chaos). I hope it goes well. Thanks all who prayed for me today and for all the encouragement. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to do this teacher thing after all...


Sunday, February 06, 2005

And thus it begins

That's right, starting this Tuesday at 1:41pm, I will teach a real live class. Granted its only one period, but its a start and frankly one period is enough to get my nerves up.

For those who want these updates, I've been having a dickens of a time getting the lesson plan for Tuesday completed, mostly because its straitforward read it, write it type, and I want to make it more interactive and interesting. Don't know how successful I've been, but I guess I'll find out on Tuesday! Wednesday and Thrusday should be easier (sort of) becuause they are the dry-run of and a lab, respectivly. The only catch is that the lab itself is done in the dark (ie no lights and windows blacked out), so it'll be an initiation by fire.

Ok, that's all the update I've got in me for now. Chances are good there won't be another one until next weekend, but you never know...