Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Single's Awareness Day

Yes, I know that most of you who are reading this site aren't single, but I am and it's my blog, so that's how its going to be. : )

I'll give you a very brief update before I head to bed as I should have done an hour ago. Last week I did teach 4 days for one period. For the most part it went well. Several things I wish I did better, but so far I don't think the students hate me so that's a good thing.

Good weekend both relaxing and hanging out. Tutoring all week after school, so it'll be another busy one. Oh, in school today I let the students ask me questions about myself which was pretty amuzing. I got questions all the way from "How tall are you?" to "Are you a vampire?" (if you knew the guy you'd understand). Needless to say, it came out that my b-day's tomorrow, so I wonder if anything will actually happen. Several students in my 7th period threatened to get me a Malibu Barbie. Here's hoping they forget.

Ok, enough to wet your appetite, I hope, 'cause I got to catch some shut eye.



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