Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Lesson #1

Brief update for those who are itching to know...

Today I taught my first full lesson/class period at Skyview JH. I was so nervous that I didn't hardly sleep last night; kept waking up each hour and drempt about not being prepared and such. The lesson got started off a bit rougher than I'd have liked, with an annoying interruption, but I got into the flow of it, the students were responding to my questions, and it seemed to go well considering it's my first time.

I was also being observed by my University Supervisior and we debriefed after the lesson. Again, I got some good feedback from her, somethings I did well, as well as some ideas for how to make it better. One trend I'm begining to notiece w/ myself is that I do things in my lessons that I just do because it seems the thing to do, but then I get complimented on after the lesson because it fit for such and such a reason and must've been deliberate...nope, pure luck. But I'm wondering if it's more than luck and maybe an inate bent towards these good teaching tactics that I do out of more of a gut feeling. Who knows.

I still have 3 more lessons to teach this week, including one lab done entirely IN THE DARK! (Junior highers + dark classroom = chaos). I hope it goes well. Thanks all who prayed for me today and for all the encouragement. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to do this teacher thing after all...



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