Sunday, February 06, 2005

And thus it begins

That's right, starting this Tuesday at 1:41pm, I will teach a real live class. Granted its only one period, but its a start and frankly one period is enough to get my nerves up.

For those who want these updates, I've been having a dickens of a time getting the lesson plan for Tuesday completed, mostly because its straitforward read it, write it type, and I want to make it more interactive and interesting. Don't know how successful I've been, but I guess I'll find out on Tuesday! Wednesday and Thrusday should be easier (sort of) becuause they are the dry-run of and a lab, respectivly. The only catch is that the lab itself is done in the dark (ie no lights and windows blacked out), so it'll be an initiation by fire.

Ok, that's all the update I've got in me for now. Chances are good there won't be another one until next weekend, but you never know...



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