Thursday, June 30, 2005

I should be in bed

...but I'm blogging instead. I've been both busy and tired this week, and just now realized I'm outdated on my blog, so I'll make it quick, but try to cover everything.

I got both jobs, basically. I've been working every day this week at Eddie Bauer Outlet in Woodinville; actually putting in 40 hours this week (though this will not be typical). I've been in the stockroom all week, which is actually what I prefer. I'll probably start register training next week.

I also got a call yesterday from Worktank, the production company, and will be doing a gig next Thursday all day that pays very well. I'm excited for that. If that picks up enough, I may be able to scale back at EB (which would be nice).

This week has been me alone at home, which has been nice mostly. Amy's on Summer Trek and my mom's on her 50th b-day cruise w/ her sister in the Medditeranian (getting old's hard, huh?). Tomorrow's the rehersal for Ingrid & James' wedding, and Saturday's the wedding. Sunday is church and then the M's game, and Monday starts the week back at EB, though not for all 8 hr days like this week.

For now, that's my life, not much more. Amy gets home on Saturday, but I'll still be gone alot, so not alot will change. I'll do my best to add more detailed updates later, but that's it probably for the next week.

Until I again have (or make) time...


Monday, June 20, 2005

Interview times 2

I have two job interviews tomorrow, one at 11am and one at 3:30pm. Any extra prayers for those would be much appreciated. The first interview is at Worktank in Seattle. To be honnest, I don't know exactally what they do; I was given their name from my dad and know that they do production-type work. The lady I spoke to on the phone (and who will be interviewing me tomorrow) talked about PA positions (production assistant), however she said jobs are only as they have projects. She made it sound like there wasn't much work, though my dad seemed to think otherwise. Needless to say, I'm not feeling all that great about that prospect.

The second interview is at Eddie Bauer Outlet in Woodinville. That one I found today on my "job hunt." I think I surprised the assistant manager when I reterned this afternoon with the filled out job app she gave me just a few hours earlier. I feel like this job is one I may be more comfortable with and more likely to get (and to get hours for).

My biggest qualm for both jobs is that I really can only work there until the end of August, and I want to do both Trek and Safari, both in August. That added to the numerous weddings and rehersals etc. I have going doesn't leave for alot of work time, making me much less appealing to hire. This is where I can do nothing but trust that God will provide for me, whether its one of these jobs or not. I really want to be able to do Trek, and hopefully Safari as well, but it all rests in God's hands, which are soverign above all.

So things continue to be up in the air, though at least now the air is moving.


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Up in the air

That's the response I give to people when the ask what my plans are for this summer: "Up in the air." I'm still waiting on a solid job for the summer. I've been trying to get something thru my dad at Microsoft Studios, but they're waiting on a client. Then he gave me the name and number for another company that does production-type work, but I only left the lady a message today and she didn't call me back. And so it's the waiting game.

The part that bothers me about that is scheduling other things for the summer. I have JH events, weddings, bachelor parties, and the like that all depend on what work I do or do not get. There is also the part that, because I don't yet have a job, I'm just sitting at home doing nothing when I could be earning money, which sorta' makes me feel guilty.

I have to constantly remind myself that God has always provided a job for me when I've needed it, even when the timing wasn't what I thought it should be. I know God will provide as I human-ness, though, makes me tend to worry that I still don't know what's going on. As most of you probably know, I like to plan ahead and not having a plan for something as soon as next week can grate on me in a relatively short ammount of time.

Other than that, things are going well. I've got a new hard drive and that's up and running (though that didn't happen easily). Since my Wednesday night class is over I'm able to go to JH group on Wednesdays again, which is nice. Oh, and the new version of MediaShout has been released, which I think is really cool. Now I'm just waiting for a trial version so I can start tinkering with it...


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Back in Town

Here's a quick post before I hit the sac. My week in the greater LA area was great. It was a real vacation; I was able to see family and have some fun as well...oh yeah, and some friends got married AHHHHH!

Ok, so the week was a bit crazy and chaotic, but it was fun and I had a good time. I am a bit miffed, however, that the new hard drive that Compaq sent me is not working so, after going thru what I already knew on tech support, I have to go into a Radio Shack (the only authroized dealer) to have them make sure I didn't mis-install the HD (which I'm 95% sure I didn't), then figure out what comes next. Needless to say, this is NOT how it was supposed to go.

But now I'm going to head to bed in hopes of a working computer tomorrow.

BTW: I'm currently borrowing my sister's computer so that I am able to check e-mail and do computer things, such as this post.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Summer Break is Here!

As of about 5 minutes ago when I e-mailed my last paper (classroom management plan) to my prof, I'm on summer break! I know, I'm excited too! What's cool and exciting and scarry all at once is that the very next thing in my teacher prep program is full time student teaching. That's right, as far as the U's concerned, I have enough knowledge to actually teach like a real teacher for at least 6 weeks this fall! It's cool, but I'm nervous too, especially since I'll have the whole summer to un-learn whatever I've learned.

And to kick off my summer experience, I leave on Monday for LA, CA. I'll be visiting Cari and some other family, as well as being in the wedding of my friend Dan McCurley from HS. Should be a good time (especially the being away part).

I'm currently still up in the air for a summer job. I've got the M's, but I'm not getting the hours I'd like and I need something else since I won't be able to work during student teaching next fall.

Tomorrow I plan to go out on a boat in Puget Sound with some friends from school. One gal teaches a marine science class to school kids on Fridays and several of us have been invited to go along. I'm really exited, it should be great fun!

Ok, that's all I have for now. Oh, except that my computer's on the fritz again. I'm actually on my sister's computer right now. Ben think mine has a worm. You'd think it'd be all protected w/ McAfee and all, but no. Oh well, at least I have patient and helpful friends!