Thursday, June 30, 2005

I should be in bed

...but I'm blogging instead. I've been both busy and tired this week, and just now realized I'm outdated on my blog, so I'll make it quick, but try to cover everything.

I got both jobs, basically. I've been working every day this week at Eddie Bauer Outlet in Woodinville; actually putting in 40 hours this week (though this will not be typical). I've been in the stockroom all week, which is actually what I prefer. I'll probably start register training next week.

I also got a call yesterday from Worktank, the production company, and will be doing a gig next Thursday all day that pays very well. I'm excited for that. If that picks up enough, I may be able to scale back at EB (which would be nice).

This week has been me alone at home, which has been nice mostly. Amy's on Summer Trek and my mom's on her 50th b-day cruise w/ her sister in the Medditeranian (getting old's hard, huh?). Tomorrow's the rehersal for Ingrid & James' wedding, and Saturday's the wedding. Sunday is church and then the M's game, and Monday starts the week back at EB, though not for all 8 hr days like this week.

For now, that's my life, not much more. Amy gets home on Saturday, but I'll still be gone alot, so not alot will change. I'll do my best to add more detailed updates later, but that's it probably for the next week.

Until I again have (or make) time...



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