Friday, January 20, 2006

Return of the Thespian

You know how God has funny ways of doing thing? Little sense of humor things that He does that remind us He's around, watching, and involved in our lives? He's being doing those fairly frequently in the last few weeks.

The most recent comes in the form of an old love: drama. I was just remarking to Mark (no pun intended) the other night after youth group that I miss doing drama. I miss the acting and all the fun of performing. I get pseudo-outlets in the JH group in the form of improv games at camps, so that's better than nothing.

Fast-forward to this past Wednesday. I saw a sign up at Skyview talking about auditions for one-act plays. "Cool," I thought, "Maybe I could help out w/ those or something. That would be fun." I discovered who was doing the one-acts and commented that it was cool that she was doing them. That was all. Next thing I know I get a call and she wants me to direct on of the one-acts! I told her I'd think about it, she gave me a copy of the script, I read it. As I read, all these ideas came flooding back from my theatre backrgound in HS and I remembered how much fun it all is!

Needless to say, I agreed to help direct one, so there I go! Since I'm just para-subbing right now, I've got the time after school: no lesson prep. We'll see how it goes. I'm probably a bit rusty, but hopefully it'll still be fun for me and the students!

PS Here's the play I'm probably doing: The Actor's Nightmare.



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