Thursday, January 12, 2006

Paid to do homework

Yes, it's true, I have gotten paid to do my homework this week. In fact, I'm getting paid to write this blog entry right now as well. A bit of background: For the last 3 days I've been para-educator subing at the school I student taught at, which has been cool. The para I'm subbing for does the student/teacher assisting for 3 periods and runs the computer lab the other 3. But when there's no one in the lab, like now, I don't have anything to do, so I get to spend the time doing what I want (like this blog entry or doing HW).

So things are going well so far. I'm getting frustrated w/ the portfolio at the U, but I keep telling myself that it's just the last hoop I have to jump thru for the U and then I'm done. The fact that I only have to go once a week helps alot too. : )

I don't think I mentioned anything about how the WEST-E went last Saturday. Well, not as well as I would have liked. It was 150 questions in 120 minutes. All the Qs are multiple choice, but often have data, graphs, and/or decriptive paragraphs to read before being able to answer the questions. Needless to say, I barely got an answer for ever question, let alone the right answer. There were things on the test I had never learned before, and there were things that I remember learning but not really retaining (like most of the stuff from my genetics class). So I'm not feeling super confident in my passing of the test, but I'm hopefull. Either way I won't get the added Biology endrosement until after I've been teaching 90 days (dumb UW reqs).

Looking forward to this Sunday evening where I'll be getting together w/ some friends for something we've been trying to schedule/plan since early December. I'm looking forward to it, and since the following Monday is MLK Jr. Day, most of us don't work or have class, so we could potentially stay up to all hours partying! (note word choice: potentially) : )



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