Thursday, January 26, 2006

First Rehearsal

Today was my first rehearsal for the one-act I'm directing. It went alright, though I think I freaked the students out a bit. : ) I came in and was all business, talking about schedule and got right to the blocking. I'm not as warm and fuzzy/touchy feally as the other lady doing the Tuesday rehearsals. Ah well, I was actually able to accomplish stuff, so that's good.

As far as the cast, I've got the full spectrum. Only 5 students, but in those I have: the no-show lead, the prima donna (who, ironically, plays a prima donna), the inexperienced steriotypical JH "actor," the on par good natured fits the part actor, plus a wonderfully willing to help stage manager without any acting experience.

I was able to block about half the play today, which is good, since I want to get the whole thing blocked in 2 rehearsals. It was tricky and there will definatly be things I go back and change later, but it was decent for the first go at it. Part of what made it hard was that I was not only creating the blocking, but also had to write all of it down myself, so I really spent most of the time looking at the script and not as much looking at the actors.

Ok, I got distracted by something else, that's going to have to be it for this post.



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