Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yea Jobs!

It's taken longer that I'd have liked, but I think I've got the employment thing worked out for the quarter. Two days ago I got a call from BCS. They took some specific information from me and told me that I'm now in the sub pool. I don't know how frequently I'll get called, but its good to know that they do have my info and I could get a call any day.

This morning I met one of my fellow MIT students at the district office for Northshore SD and talked to the sub office about being a substitute para-educator. I thought I'd have to beg and plead, but instead the sub lady seemed as excited as I was to make it happen! For those of you who don't know, para-educators are like teacher's aids and don't require state certification to be employed, so I don't have to wait to do it, I can start tomorrow!

I won't have "regular" hours that I can count on, but hopefully between the two I should be able to keep busy enough to not have to look for anything else. The advantage to these two jobs, besides them not being retail, is that they are both in schools, where I want to be anyway. Yea God!



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