Thursday, July 27, 2006

To close, or not to close...

We're down to it, now. Tomorrow is the day we're supposed to close on my condo (see below for the crazy journey to this current condo). I say 'supposed' because I'm a bit gun shy when it comes to closing on a place. I've had to change closing dates twice on the first place and sort of half on this current place (the date hasn't officially changed, but we were trying for last Friday).

My fear comes not only from my previous bad experiences, but also from the fact that its Thursday and I haven't yet, nor do I know when I will, sign papers. My real estate agent told me last night that I should get a call today and sign sometime today. Well, it's almost 10:30 and I haven't had a call yet (I figure if they've got a time crunch they'd try to get ahold of me early to make this happen). Even if I do sign sometime today, will they really get all the paperwork done in time to close by tomorrow?

While I really want to close tomorrow, I've learned thru this process that God's timing doesn't fit my own (I know, I thought I already learned that lesson too; apparently not well enough). So, if we don't close on Friday, we don't close, and He's got a reason for it, even if I never find out what it is. I still hope His timing is Friday. : )


Saturday, July 15, 2006

From Condo to no Condo to Condo in Less Than 24 Hours

That's right, on Wednesday I went from having a condo to not having a condo (see previous post) and then back to having a condo in less than 24 hours.

I went and looked at 3 places on Wednesday afternoon w/ my real estate agent. The last one I really liked, and when she called to find out more info on the place, we discovered that there was already another offer on it, so we had to submit an offer that night. I guess technically I didn't find out until yesterday that I actually got the place, so that's longer than 24 hours, but in essence not really.

It's been a crazy week, what w/ all this condo stuff and the commercial stuff, I'm really tired. How tired you ask? Well, today I got up to get my hair cut, which was at 9:40 out in Woodinville. When I got back, I watched some TV w/ my sister, she left, and I took a nap until about 4:30pm. So I basically went back to bed. And I'm still tired. This whole summer break thing is wearing me out!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What a boring day

The day couldn't have been more dull. It actually started yesterday at about 4:30pm when I left home to pick up Brad and take him to the first shoot of the week down in Federal Way. It went well, though crazy, and ended at a wonderful 4:30am this morning. I then proceded to drop people off and was able to get home around 6am. Next I slept until about noon when I received a call from my loan guy advising me to back out of the deal w/ my condo, and if not, it'd be at least an addtional 5 days until we close, as opposed to tomorrow. After some additional calls, counsel, and prayer, I agree and decide to not by the place.

So the next task is to start over and see if I can find a condo to move into (since that is still a need). My real estate agent met me and we went and looked at 3 places in the area. The last one we both liked, only drawbacks are no covered parking and some old appliances; everything else was good. Undecided on the place yet, my agent calls their agent for more information, only to find out they already have an offer on the place, so I had to decide if I wanted to make an offer. After himm-ing and haw-ing, I decided to do so, printed and signed offer papers, and sent my agent on her way (bless her heart). I hope to hear something tomorrow, in between takes on the set, no doubt.

Like I said, it was a boring day, nothing much happened.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Condo Update

So now it's Tuesday at about 3:30pm and I still haven't signed the papers I was supposed to sign yesterday. At this point, it's not going to happen, since I start a shoot in 2 hours and still don't have numbers for closing costs so I can get the cashier's check. I love working w/ the Braewood people! (in case you missed it, that last statement should be read w/ extreme sarcasm).

On a lighter, fun note, yesterday I went shopping w/ my friend and Real Estate Ageng Kari and we bought stuff for my bathroom. So I now have colors and towels and stuff for one room in my condo (if I ever get to move into it).

Las I heard the closing date is still Thursday the 13th, but we'll have to see what happens. Here's hoping...


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Frustration and Craziness

So if you haven't already heard, my closing date on my condo has moved from the 6th (2 days ago) to the 13th (a week LATE) because the condo people aren't on their game and aren't done yet w/ construction (which, by the way, all they are constructing in my place is new carpet and white paint on the walls).

The super great part is that this next week I'm also working on a shoot all week w/ my friend and will be busy all week, so even though I'll get keys on Thursday, I'm not going to really have a chance to move until Saturday, but probably won't move in for good until Monday or Tuesday because I also have a shoot on Sunday. Needless to say, I'm a bit frustrated.

So that puts me today needing to pack up my room, but not really wanting to yet, since I'll still have another week living where I'm at now. Grrr... Oh well, that's the way things go, I can't really control that.

My summer is quickly slipping away. I've got an e-mail in to the district asking when I need to go back to work officially (new teachers start earlier than other teachers), but the date I had heard originally was the 19th of August, so I may be down to my last month (which, again, is frustrating when I thought I'd have almost 2 in my new place). Whatever.