Thursday, July 27, 2006

To close, or not to close...

We're down to it, now. Tomorrow is the day we're supposed to close on my condo (see below for the crazy journey to this current condo). I say 'supposed' because I'm a bit gun shy when it comes to closing on a place. I've had to change closing dates twice on the first place and sort of half on this current place (the date hasn't officially changed, but we were trying for last Friday).

My fear comes not only from my previous bad experiences, but also from the fact that its Thursday and I haven't yet, nor do I know when I will, sign papers. My real estate agent told me last night that I should get a call today and sign sometime today. Well, it's almost 10:30 and I haven't had a call yet (I figure if they've got a time crunch they'd try to get ahold of me early to make this happen). Even if I do sign sometime today, will they really get all the paperwork done in time to close by tomorrow?

While I really want to close tomorrow, I've learned thru this process that God's timing doesn't fit my own (I know, I thought I already learned that lesson too; apparently not well enough). So, if we don't close on Friday, we don't close, and He's got a reason for it, even if I never find out what it is. I still hope His timing is Friday. : )



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