Wednesday, December 31, 2003

The End of 2003

Well, on this, the last day of 2003, I thought I'd share w/ you all a little review of the past year. Enjoy.


Monday, December 29, 2003

Post Christmas Update

Christmas has come and gone, and the traditional time of thanking people for things you have no idea what you'll do with is now over. : )

This year Christmas was two days long for myself. I spent Christmas day w/ my sister at my dad's house. That was interesting, first of all because of the 'uniqueness' of some of the gifts, which we have now come to expect, as well as that my dad invited one of his girlfriends and her son over for the afternoon. Needless to say it wasn't a relaxing time. Not bad, per se, but not relaxing.

The 26th was a really busy day for me. In the morning I went to church to set up sound/media stuff for a wedding reception the following day. The setup went ok, but I couldn't find many things and had to improvise. The story of my life! From there I came back home and had the second Christmas w/ my mom and two sisters. It was good, but my present for my mom hasn't arrived yet, so I'm a bit frustrated (since it should have arrived by now). I then went back into Bellevue to help with sound issues for the wedding ceremony, which was held at a different church (come on, would you really want to get married in our church? I don't think so!). After the rehersal came dinner, and then home.

The following day was the wedding. I ran sound for the ceremony, and then sound/media at the reception. Afterwards I helped tear down and get the stage set up for Sunday morning. I finished w/ that at about 7:30-8:00, and then went over to Paul's house. We, and two of his other friends, played Mario Cart on his Game Cube. Let me just say, I stink at racing, but if you do teams and I manage the weapons, we kick butt!! After the gaming was over and some excitement that involved a shoe, a wall, and Oxyclean (don't ask), Paul and I chatted. . .for a while. . .ok, a long while. . .that is, we didn't get to bed until 4am. It was a really good talk, but we had to be up by 7 at the latest to make it to church on time. Can you say not enough sleep?

Today has gone alright. There were parts of church this morning that were hard to stay awake for, but for the most part it was good. After church Ingid, Alison, Paul, and I went to lunch at Red Robin. It was fun, and we enjoyed ourselves. (Megan and Dawn were supposed to come, but unfortunatly couldn't). Then I picked Cari up at church and we drove home.

Nap time! Need I say more?


Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!

Well, I'm back from Colorado, but I'll update that later. For now, suffice it to say it was a good trip, good to see family, and also good to be home.

I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and hope that you all have a great time saying thank you for things you really never wanted. : P Just kidding!


Friday, December 19, 2003

And yet, another frustration

Ok, I'm at work at Safeco Field, in between acts, killing time, so I thought I'd do a bit more venting. I realize that there are some people who don't like rules and think the just mess everyone up. That's fine, even I think they do sometimes. But here's my problem: when you think you're so special that the rules don't apply to you, and you're the one who decides it!

Take my job here, for example. There are several areas roped off because the camera is set up, as well as a light, and we need to keep people who don't need to be there out of the area 1) so they don't mess anything up, and 2) in case something were to fall, no one would get hurt. But what always happens, no matter what night it is? Someone always thinks the rules don't apply to them, they are some special exeption, and they step right over the tape and walk, stand, talk, even sit in the areas that they are not supposed to be in.

That's frustrating enough. It's one of my pet peeves. But do you know what's worse? When you ask them to leave the area they aren't supposed to be in anyway, they have some reason that they are SO special, that is supposed to seem so important to everyone else, including me, so they can keep doing whatever they jolly-well please. It ticks me off!! And they don't even ask to do what they'd like, they tell me what they are going to do. The arrogence!

Frankly, I don't care what kind of shot you want to get of the performing group, you don't have to take it right in front of my camera. I'm off to the side, and you'd get a much better shot if you were head on! But NOOO, they think they are special, more important than anyone else.

Whew, ok, now that I've got that out of my system. I think I'm going to see the new LotR movie tomorrow morning before I leave for Colorado. I've actually been good this time and not gone to see it on opening day. I think that's the first movie that I'll have seen not on opening day in a really long time!


Thursday, December 18, 2003


I'm getting quite frustrated, and what better place to vent about it than my blog? For some reason the internet just doesn't want to work on my comptuer. But it's really choosey about what not to work. For example, I type in into the address bar, and it sends me off to this site: , which ends up w/ a page that won't display. But when I told Ben about it, he was able to get there, so I know it's not the Disney site (plus, it's been too long, like over a week, for their site to be down).

The next thing was the Apple site. Now, don't freak out, I'm not switching my loyalties, but they have a good selection of movie trailers that I like to watch. Anyway, I can't get most of them to work, and the pages load w/ bunches of errors and images that show up as the squares w/ the little red 'x's instead of the actualy pictures. You know? It's really starting to get to me.

So what did I do? I uninstalled IE and reinstalled it. Did it help? Nope, not a bit. And since I was having trouble w/ Quicktime, I had uninstalled that too, but now when I go to DL it to reinstall it, it's on the site that my computer doesn't like, so I can't DL it!! How frustrating!!!

Well, that didn't help fix my problem, but it sure felt good, so I guess that's all that I can hope for. I mean, what good's a blog if you can't rant and rave every now and then?


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Life on Break

Now well into Christmas break, I've been busy, and not busy. Sunday was my really busy day. I went to church in the morning, as usual. I then had time to kill in Bellevue, so I had lunch w/ Paul. We talked for a while, and I ended up being a bit late for my next Sunday task: picking up my sister Cari. She spent the weekend w/ her boyfriend in Oregon, but needed me to pick her up, or at least to meet them half-way in Chehalis (sp?). So I got to drive down there and back, giving us about 10 minutes to change and get ready to go w/ my dad to dinner and the Christmas play at Northshore Baptist Church. The play was alright. Not phenominal, but decent.

I then arrived home, and had to scrounge around for an extra $12 I didn't know I had (which I found in the form of change!!) so I could go w/ Paul and some of his friends bowling from 11 until 2am. It was fun! It was like cosmic bowling, w/ black lights and strobes and such. Oh! And I broke 100 for the first time ever! I know that's not really that amazing, but for me it was. So that was cool. It was interesting to meet some of Paul's other friends too. So that was Sunday.

The rest of this week has mostly been me at home, trying to finish my Christmas shopping. Thankfully, last night I did. Granted, it was mostly finished online, but it's all ordered and bought, so that's one step in the right direction. I always seem to get myself into a snag when ordering online, since I don't usually order until after finals, and by then it's tight time-wise for things to ship w/o paying like $30 for the shipping. But it'll work out this year.

4 days until I leave for Colorado. I'm really looking forward to it. I like to travel, and it'll be cool to see my aunt and uncle. Since they've been living in England the last 5 years, I haven't gotten to see them much. We'll only be there for about 4 days, so it's not alot of time, but it'll be worth it and cool.

Alright, even though I don't update this thing nearly often enough, when I do, I'm always afraid I ramble on too long so no one will read the whole thing anyway! : P So I guess I'll stop for now. But if I'm really bored, you may see more posts!


Thursday, December 11, 2003

It's Christmas Time

As of about 2:15 yesterday, I'm officially on Christmas break unitl the 5th of January! Yea! While there is a great sigh of relief from the break from school, there is a bit of aprehension about the grades I'll be getting this quarter. This quarter was tough, both in coursework, and in time to get it done. But there's nothing I can do about it now, so no sense worrying!!

So what does the near future hold for me? I'm glad you asked! : P Well, other than the occasional evening of work at Safeco Field runing camera for the Field of Lights, I don't have any plans at all. It's great! Sleeping in, staying up late, and many of my friends will be coming back from school in the next few weeks too. I will be heading off to Colorado for a few days on the 20th, but I'll be back by Christmas.

Let's see, what else to update with? Umm, my finger is healing ok (if you don't know what happened, see post from November 25th). It's still a little sore, and hurts a bit to bend it all the way into my hand, but I'm sure that it'll keep getting better. Oh, I should mention that I found a small piece of glass in it late last week, I think. The scabbs were starting to come off and one was catching and rubbing on things, so I decided to clip it off. For some reason, I couldn't get the nail clippers to cut it. Turns out, there was a small piece of glass still in the skin, and it was covered w/ dried blood, so it looked like a piece of scab. I pulled it out and all is now good.

Can't think of anything else exciting, so that's it for this post!!


Friday, December 05, 2003

So close!

Ok, it's once again been a while since my last post. This week has been insane, school wise. It seems like my profs decided that it would be a good idea to give tests, papers, and projects to be due all but one day this week, the week before finals. How considerate?!

Actually, now that I've finished all those papers, tests, and projects, I'm really not that concerned about finals; compared to this week, finals will be a breeze!

All I have to do this week is study for finals, which start on Tuesday. As a part of that, I'll have to finish reading a book about the anthropology of human evolution (snoooooze!), but other than that, I've got a light weekend. Yea!

Oh, and I'm sorry to all those that can't read this because you don't have power. I feel bad for you. . .but not bad enough to be in your place! :) No, seriously, we've already lost power 3 times this fall at my house, so I figure I deserve to miss out on the "excitement".

Well, that's it for now. Hope you're don't well!