Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Life on Break

Now well into Christmas break, I've been busy, and not busy. Sunday was my really busy day. I went to church in the morning, as usual. I then had time to kill in Bellevue, so I had lunch w/ Paul. We talked for a while, and I ended up being a bit late for my next Sunday task: picking up my sister Cari. She spent the weekend w/ her boyfriend in Oregon, but needed me to pick her up, or at least to meet them half-way in Chehalis (sp?). So I got to drive down there and back, giving us about 10 minutes to change and get ready to go w/ my dad to dinner and the Christmas play at Northshore Baptist Church. The play was alright. Not phenominal, but decent.

I then arrived home, and had to scrounge around for an extra $12 I didn't know I had (which I found in the form of change!!) so I could go w/ Paul and some of his friends bowling from 11 until 2am. It was fun! It was like cosmic bowling, w/ black lights and strobes and such. Oh! And I broke 100 for the first time ever! I know that's not really that amazing, but for me it was. So that was cool. It was interesting to meet some of Paul's other friends too. So that was Sunday.

The rest of this week has mostly been me at home, trying to finish my Christmas shopping. Thankfully, last night I did. Granted, it was mostly finished online, but it's all ordered and bought, so that's one step in the right direction. I always seem to get myself into a snag when ordering online, since I don't usually order until after finals, and by then it's tight time-wise for things to ship w/o paying like $30 for the shipping. But it'll work out this year.

4 days until I leave for Colorado. I'm really looking forward to it. I like to travel, and it'll be cool to see my aunt and uncle. Since they've been living in England the last 5 years, I haven't gotten to see them much. We'll only be there for about 4 days, so it's not alot of time, but it'll be worth it and cool.

Alright, even though I don't update this thing nearly often enough, when I do, I'm always afraid I ramble on too long so no one will read the whole thing anyway! : P So I guess I'll stop for now. But if I'm really bored, you may see more posts!



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