Thursday, December 18, 2003


I'm getting quite frustrated, and what better place to vent about it than my blog? For some reason the internet just doesn't want to work on my comptuer. But it's really choosey about what not to work. For example, I type in into the address bar, and it sends me off to this site: , which ends up w/ a page that won't display. But when I told Ben about it, he was able to get there, so I know it's not the Disney site (plus, it's been too long, like over a week, for their site to be down).

The next thing was the Apple site. Now, don't freak out, I'm not switching my loyalties, but they have a good selection of movie trailers that I like to watch. Anyway, I can't get most of them to work, and the pages load w/ bunches of errors and images that show up as the squares w/ the little red 'x's instead of the actualy pictures. You know? It's really starting to get to me.

So what did I do? I uninstalled IE and reinstalled it. Did it help? Nope, not a bit. And since I was having trouble w/ Quicktime, I had uninstalled that too, but now when I go to DL it to reinstall it, it's on the site that my computer doesn't like, so I can't DL it!! How frustrating!!!

Well, that didn't help fix my problem, but it sure felt good, so I guess that's all that I can hope for. I mean, what good's a blog if you can't rant and rave every now and then?



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