Friday, December 19, 2003

And yet, another frustration

Ok, I'm at work at Safeco Field, in between acts, killing time, so I thought I'd do a bit more venting. I realize that there are some people who don't like rules and think the just mess everyone up. That's fine, even I think they do sometimes. But here's my problem: when you think you're so special that the rules don't apply to you, and you're the one who decides it!

Take my job here, for example. There are several areas roped off because the camera is set up, as well as a light, and we need to keep people who don't need to be there out of the area 1) so they don't mess anything up, and 2) in case something were to fall, no one would get hurt. But what always happens, no matter what night it is? Someone always thinks the rules don't apply to them, they are some special exeption, and they step right over the tape and walk, stand, talk, even sit in the areas that they are not supposed to be in.

That's frustrating enough. It's one of my pet peeves. But do you know what's worse? When you ask them to leave the area they aren't supposed to be in anyway, they have some reason that they are SO special, that is supposed to seem so important to everyone else, including me, so they can keep doing whatever they jolly-well please. It ticks me off!! And they don't even ask to do what they'd like, they tell me what they are going to do. The arrogence!

Frankly, I don't care what kind of shot you want to get of the performing group, you don't have to take it right in front of my camera. I'm off to the side, and you'd get a much better shot if you were head on! But NOOO, they think they are special, more important than anyone else.

Whew, ok, now that I've got that out of my system. I think I'm going to see the new LotR movie tomorrow morning before I leave for Colorado. I've actually been good this time and not gone to see it on opening day. I think that's the first movie that I'll have seen not on opening day in a really long time!



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