Saturday, July 31, 2004

Different, but good

Went and saw M. Night Shyamalan's The Village last night. It was very enjoyable, as all of his movies have been so far. I think it might be the first one of his movies that I've seen on opening day, so the theater was full, which was kinda' cool. You could definatly tell where the girls were sitting (ie where the screams were comming from). As is typical in a Shyamalan film, things were not as they seemed, nor could the be predicted in the begning. However, different from his other films, the "reveal" did not occur all at once. Rather, he gave you bits at a time, always adding a bit more to the twist and spin on the story. Though it was different, I still enjoyed it. The movie itself was a bit slow at times, but the end really brought it all together. The movie ended with me having a silly grin on my face. : )

As a quick up-date, Safari went well. Many students accepted Christ for the first time, which is awesome! It was definatly a different camp this year, but it worked out well. I was very tired at the end, more tired than I expected to be, actually. That being the case, I took Friday off work. This is good since I wouldn't have been able to stay awake, but it's bad because I didn't earn any money this week. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

I don't know what today holds for me. Probably just tidying things up at home. Amy comes home from Canada after almost a month working at a camp up there w/ First Nations people (the Canadian equivilant of Native Americans). It should be good to see her again. Other than that, nothing planed. Ben left this morning for Colorado, so I wish him a good trip, and hope he comes home safely and soon (begining of September).


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Taking a breath

This is me taking a breath before I dive under again.  I've been working all week, first at BCS in the bookstore (where Ian and Katie often stop by and visit), and then heading off to the M's game in the evening (or afternoon, as was the case on Tuesday).  Needless to say, it's a bit tiring working all day, and then going and working some more.  It's good to be getting paid, but it takes it out of you (or at least me).

Tomorrow I won't be at BCS.  Instead I'll be getting sound stuff ready for Summer Safari on Sunday.  That'll be in the morning, and then I'll head off to Safeco Feild for the M's game in the evening.  But I'm only a grip for the game tomorrow night, instead of runing camera, so that's less work/responsibility.  Then back at camera on Saturday, another evening game, before packing at getting the last minute details ready for camp on Sunday morning.

Ah Safari.  The camp will be good, I'm sure, but it's always tiring, which will fit great with this week, right!  : )  Any extra prayers in that realm would be appreciated.  I know God's got the energy I don't have to make it thru camp, so I'm not really worried about it, but it never hurts to have people praying, now does it.  I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say "Gee, I had just a few too many people praying for me last week, next time I'll have to make sure not so many people are praying."  Maybe I just don't get out much.

Ok, I should pretend like I'm going to go to bed and actually get some sleep tonight.  This'll probably be my last poste before I get back from Safari (unless I really don't want to do something and can distract myself w/ it).


Monday, July 19, 2004

Up and Running?

In theory, my laptop and car are both now up and running.  And for the most part that's true.  The only exception is that the wireless internet doesn't always stay steady w/ my laptop, but I'm gonna get an ethernet cable (one way or another) and just "hardline it" instead.  Not as exciting, but faster and more relyable, so that works for me.
Tomorrow marks the begining of the end for me.  I work the first of 5 Mariners games, which takes me right up to Saturday night.  Then I leave w/ about 100 junior highers for Summer Safari, the JH summer camp w/ our church.  I'll be there for 5 days, and it'll take the next couple to recover.     : )  Then I have about a week until I leave on Summer Trek, another JH event, but this one's a week long, and it's a service mission trip, so a different feel than Safari, but just as exhausting, if not more.  Shortly after that, though I don't know the exact dates yet, I'll be starting my Master's program.  That's right, back in school before September.  So yeah, it feels like summer's approaching the end for me.  Oh well, there's gonna be some good stuff between now and then, and I plan on enjoying it!


Friday, July 16, 2004

Computer Woes

You know that laptop I just got on Monday? Yeah, its not
working. I don't know if I'm just cursed or what, but it doesn't
like something about mesching Windows Home and the XP Pro upgrade I
tried to install on it. And then there's poor Ben and Ian, who I
have hassled about fixing my comptuer. I always go to them, Ben
mostly 'cause he's here, when I have comptuer issues, and I'm sure he's
sick and tired of it by now!

As it is right now, my laptop won't even load windows properly. I
can get it to load once, right after an install, but that's it.
Once I restart or turn the laptop off, its kaputz again. Quite
frustrating. So I'm gonna try to get it up long enough to copy
some files to CD, then hope that someone can save it. Have I
mentioned that I'm frustrated w/ it yet? This week was supposed
to be fun, w/ my new computer here, but instead it's been
frustrating. Oh well. Not much else I can do, but be
thankful that I have friends willing to help.

BTW: sorry about the lack of updates recently. I actually tried
twice to update last night, but I was on my laptop, and it lost both


Monday, July 12, 2004

New Toy

Just thought I should let everyone know that this entry is being typed from my new laptop! That's right, it arrived today. Ben was nice enough to come by and help me w/ some networking stuff (which is totally over my head) so I can get the files I want off of our old family computer and onto my new laptop.

Things have been good lately. I've only been working one job, which is nice, although that will change come Thursday.

Oh, I have now seen Katie once, and Ian twice or 3 times! Amazing isn't it?! : P I guess I can no longer suggest that Ian was kidnapped and is still in England. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. (although, he still doesn't update his blog...)

Let's see, what else should I mention? Started Trek 2 training yesterday. It's a big team, an odd staff number, but I think it'll be a good trip.

Ok, I should pretend to do something useful now. : P


Monday, July 05, 2004


I don't really know what to update with, but I feel like it's been too long.

Thankfully I have now finished my summer class, so I'm officially free. The Mariners are also out of town for the next week and a half, so I will ONLY be working at BCS this week (as opposed to working BCS in the morning, going to class, then working the M's game).

So, yeah, that's good, but I'm tired. I'm eternaly gratefully that the class was only 2 weeks long; I don't think I could do a whole summer of classes!

Let's see, what else? Well, after church today I went over to Ben's house, had dinner, and we just chilled and chatted for the afternoon. I think Ben was a bit bored at times, but it was good for the most part. : ) We ended up going into Kirkland to see their fireworks show. We had a great spot to view it; the fireworks barge was right in front of us on Lake Washington. It was a cool show. Getting out of Kirkland after the show, however, was anything but cool (all 40 minutes of waiting in the car...).

Ben and I had an interesting thought tonight: since Fireworks are banned in so many cities anymore, how hard could it possibly be for cops to nab them? Can't they see the fireworks going off?? Just a thought...