Saturday, July 31, 2004

Different, but good

Went and saw M. Night Shyamalan's The Village last night. It was very enjoyable, as all of his movies have been so far. I think it might be the first one of his movies that I've seen on opening day, so the theater was full, which was kinda' cool. You could definatly tell where the girls were sitting (ie where the screams were comming from). As is typical in a Shyamalan film, things were not as they seemed, nor could the be predicted in the begning. However, different from his other films, the "reveal" did not occur all at once. Rather, he gave you bits at a time, always adding a bit more to the twist and spin on the story. Though it was different, I still enjoyed it. The movie itself was a bit slow at times, but the end really brought it all together. The movie ended with me having a silly grin on my face. : )

As a quick up-date, Safari went well. Many students accepted Christ for the first time, which is awesome! It was definatly a different camp this year, but it worked out well. I was very tired at the end, more tired than I expected to be, actually. That being the case, I took Friday off work. This is good since I wouldn't have been able to stay awake, but it's bad because I didn't earn any money this week. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

I don't know what today holds for me. Probably just tidying things up at home. Amy comes home from Canada after almost a month working at a camp up there w/ First Nations people (the Canadian equivilant of Native Americans). It should be good to see her again. Other than that, nothing planed. Ben left this morning for Colorado, so I wish him a good trip, and hope he comes home safely and soon (begining of September).



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