Friday, July 16, 2004

Computer Woes

You know that laptop I just got on Monday? Yeah, its not
working. I don't know if I'm just cursed or what, but it doesn't
like something about mesching Windows Home and the XP Pro upgrade I
tried to install on it. And then there's poor Ben and Ian, who I
have hassled about fixing my comptuer. I always go to them, Ben
mostly 'cause he's here, when I have comptuer issues, and I'm sure he's
sick and tired of it by now!

As it is right now, my laptop won't even load windows properly. I
can get it to load once, right after an install, but that's it.
Once I restart or turn the laptop off, its kaputz again. Quite
frustrating. So I'm gonna try to get it up long enough to copy
some files to CD, then hope that someone can save it. Have I
mentioned that I'm frustrated w/ it yet? This week was supposed
to be fun, w/ my new computer here, but instead it's been
frustrating. Oh well. Not much else I can do, but be
thankful that I have friends willing to help.

BTW: sorry about the lack of updates recently. I actually tried
twice to update last night, but I was on my laptop, and it lost both



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