Thursday, July 22, 2004

Taking a breath

This is me taking a breath before I dive under again.  I've been working all week, first at BCS in the bookstore (where Ian and Katie often stop by and visit), and then heading off to the M's game in the evening (or afternoon, as was the case on Tuesday).  Needless to say, it's a bit tiring working all day, and then going and working some more.  It's good to be getting paid, but it takes it out of you (or at least me).

Tomorrow I won't be at BCS.  Instead I'll be getting sound stuff ready for Summer Safari on Sunday.  That'll be in the morning, and then I'll head off to Safeco Feild for the M's game in the evening.  But I'm only a grip for the game tomorrow night, instead of runing camera, so that's less work/responsibility.  Then back at camera on Saturday, another evening game, before packing at getting the last minute details ready for camp on Sunday morning.

Ah Safari.  The camp will be good, I'm sure, but it's always tiring, which will fit great with this week, right!  : )  Any extra prayers in that realm would be appreciated.  I know God's got the energy I don't have to make it thru camp, so I'm not really worried about it, but it never hurts to have people praying, now does it.  I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say "Gee, I had just a few too many people praying for me last week, next time I'll have to make sure not so many people are praying."  Maybe I just don't get out much.

Ok, I should pretend like I'm going to go to bed and actually get some sleep tonight.  This'll probably be my last poste before I get back from Safari (unless I really don't want to do something and can distract myself w/ it).



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