Monday, July 12, 2004

New Toy

Just thought I should let everyone know that this entry is being typed from my new laptop! That's right, it arrived today. Ben was nice enough to come by and help me w/ some networking stuff (which is totally over my head) so I can get the files I want off of our old family computer and onto my new laptop.

Things have been good lately. I've only been working one job, which is nice, although that will change come Thursday.

Oh, I have now seen Katie once, and Ian twice or 3 times! Amazing isn't it?! : P I guess I can no longer suggest that Ian was kidnapped and is still in England. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. (although, he still doesn't update his blog...)

Let's see, what else should I mention? Started Trek 2 training yesterday. It's a big team, an odd staff number, but I think it'll be a good trip.

Ok, I should pretend to do something useful now. : P



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